You Didn’t Invent That: Pelosi Says Government Responsible for iPhone
Career Democrat disingenuously claims without government there would not be an iPhone.
Kurt Nimmo is an editor and writer for He is a native of Detroit, Michigan, and lived in Chicago and New Mexico before joining Infowars in Austin, Texas. He currently lives in Bastrop County, Texas with his wife.
Career Democrat disingenuously claims without government there would not be an iPhone.
Key Sanders aide defects to Clinton camp.
Strikes down previous ruling upholding right to concealed carry.
Establishment Republicans mulling convention coup.
Supposed Wall Street warrior hints she may agree to be Clinton’s running mate.
Defends logic of “revolutionary terror.”
From one slave master to another.
A Canadian version of Donald Trump calling for a wall.
Says CO2 is beneficial, not detrimental.
1960s radical supports Black Lives Matter.
Arrogant, foul-mouth, and violent candidate calls for opening border.
Destined to crash and burn.
Calculated attack on Donald Trump’s plan to reform confiscatory taxation.
Says government will make Social Security more “generous.”
Establishment media insists violent thugs in San Jose are “protesters.”
Founder Jefferson advised “peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations.”
Will argue Trump’s skepticism on military intervention a threat to US foreign policy.
Ignores fact Clinton services the great vampire squid Goldman Sachs.
WikiLeaks cable shows Clinton willfully abused confidential documents.
Another lame and desperate attempt to stop the meteoric rise of Trump.