CNN founder advocates UN take role as global policeman

Paul Joseph Watson
October 25, 2012

During an appearance on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight, Ted Turner said he thinks it’s “good” that U.S. soldiers are killing themselves because it shows humanity has evolved a distaste for war.

Asked what he thought about the fact that more American soldiers commit suicide than are killed in combat, host Morgan said it was “shocking,” but Turner responded, “No, I think it’s good.”

Turner went on to argue that it was time for people to start acting “enlightened” and that this was why it was “good” U.S. soldiers are committing suicide in such large numbers because it shows an aversion to war.

At first, Turner smirked and appeared as if he was about to say it’s “terrific” that U.S. soldiers are killing themselves, before using the word “good” instead and adopting a sterner facial expression.

As the New York Times reported earlier this year, U.S. soldiers are killing themselves at a rate of nearly one per day and the figure continues to rise. Reasons for the suicides include the stress caused by such a high number of deployments as well as the horrors troops have witnessed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

A recent poll of soldiers who had tried to commit suicide found that the top reason for them attempting to take their own life was “intense emotional distress.”

Turner was also asked by the host who he thought should replace the United States as the world’s policeman, to which he responded, “the United Nations.”

Some have argued that Turner is expressing his satisfaction at U.S. troops killing themselves because it indicates that humanity is starting to spiritually evolve a distaste for war.

However, Turner has repeatedly voiced his wish to see billions of people wiped off the planet via population reduction programs.

Ted Turner’s satisfaction at U.S. troops committing suicide takes on a different context when you understand that Turner is a neo-eugenicist who routinely advocates massive population reduction.

“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal,” Turner stated in 1996.

In the third world, Turner has contributed a billion dollars to fund population reduction, namely through United Nations programs.

While asserting that the rest of the world should impose China’s brutal one-child policy to ‘save the planet’, Turner himself has 5 children and owns no less than 2 million acres of land. He is the largest private landowner on the planet, falling short of only the royal families of Europe.

Turner’s call for the United Nations to become a dictatorial body under the banner of global peacekeeping is suspect given that the UN itself admitted responsibility for failing to act during the 1994 Rwanda genocide during which 800,000 people were killed.

The United Nations is also riddled with corruption and has tried to impose mass gun control by stealth under the guise of its Small Arms Treaty.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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