November 9, 2013

JayLenoJul08The bungled rollout of Obama’s namesake healthcare initiative has been so detrimental to his approval rating that he would have been better off smoking crack, joked late night comedian Jay Leno earlier this week.

Leno was referencing Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who admitted last Tuesday that he had indeed smoked crack while in office after a video surfaced of him doing so.

“Latest polls show President Obama’s approval rating down to 39 percent. And Toronto mayor Rob Ford’s approval rating went up to 49 percent,” jested Leno. “How does this make Obama feel?”

Leno also took Obama to the woodshed for lying when he said everyone would be able to keep their health plans.

“You know, he’s such a good speaker, he almost believed it himself [Light laughter] and then his pants caught fire.”

“Jay Leno deserves some credit as practically the only one in Hollywood making fun of Obama for his total failure over Obamacare, his many foibles and outright lies,” Warner Todd Huston wrote for Mr. “Sadly, Leno is about to be yanked off the air by NBC suits even as his ratings have been skyrocketing.”

Check out the veteran comedian’s opening monologue from Wednesday where he gave Obama and his miserable website a proper flogging.

(H/T: MrConservative)

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