Last month President Donald Trump tweeted he’d asked former FBI director James Comey to help find leakers since the start of his administration.

On Thursday, Comey admitted to leaking his memos to the press.

Here’s a quick timeline:

The president fired the FBI director on May 9 in a letter saying Comey was “not able to effectively lead the bureau.”

On Friday, May 12, President Trump tweeted that the former FBI director may want to consider he may have tapes of their meetings before “leaking to the press.”

According to congressional testimony Thursday, Comey said he realized the Monday after Trump’s tweet (May 15) the president may have recordings of their conversations.

However, CNBC columnist Jake Novak notes The New York Times “quoted from memos day BEFORE that tweet.”

On May 16, The New York Times published a story based on leaked memos written by Comey of his conversations with the president.

On Thursday, June 8, the fired FBI head testified that he himself orchestrated leaks to the press in hopes of prompting the appointment of a special prosecutor.

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