As the world economy imploded in 2008 global financier George Soros worked feverishly on a book about the crash in which he detailed the specific actions that needed to be taken by governments and banking institutions to prevent a complete global meltdown. From bailouts to energy price hikes, his recommendations came to pass, almost exactly as he described them in The Crash of 2008 and What It Means.

To say Soros is influential within the realms of business and politics would be an understatement. He is considered by many to sit within the very inner circle of the elite. With direct ties to the White House, leading financial institutions and as gatekeeper of the financial assets of many ultra-wealthy individuals, Soros may well be one of the few who call the shots.

His money and influence has  been responsible for the election of American Presidents, as well as the destruction of sovereign economies, not the least of which was his direct hand in the collapse of the Russian Ruble in the late 1990’s.

So when it comes to understanding the machinations behind the scenes and their effects on global affairs, when Soros speaks, it would behoove us to pay attention.

In his latest article for The New York Review of Books, Soros puts forth a stark warning, and one that has implications for all of mankind.

Soros, who has previously warned of coming riots and widespread collapse in America, says time is running short for the United States and China to cooperate in political and financial spheres. Failure, says the multi-billionaire, will undoubtedly lead to a widespread conflagration within a decade.

And we’re not just talking about a war of words or a cold conflict – we’re talking all out nuclear war.

The US government has little to gain and much to lose by treating the relationship with China as a zero-sum game. In other words it has little bargaining power. It could, of course, obstruct China’s progress,but that would be very dangerous. President Xi Jinping has taken personal responsibility for the economy and national security. If his market-oriented reforms fail, he may foster some external conflicts to keep the country united and maintain himself in power. This could lead China to align itself with Russia not only financially but also politically and militarily. In that case, should the external conflict escalate into a military confrontation with an ally of the United States such as Japan,it is not an exaggeration to say that we would be on the threshold of a third world war.

Indeed, military budgets are rapidly increasing both in Russia and in China, and they remain at a very high level in the United States. For China, rearmament would be a surefire way to boost domestic demand. China is already flexing its military muscle in the South China Sea, operating in a unilateral and often quite belligerent manner, which is causing justifiable concern in Washington.

Nevertheless, it may take a decade or more until a Russian–Chinese military alliance would be ready to confront the US directly. Until then, we may expect a continuation of hybrid warfare and the proliferation of proxy wars.

China is preparing for something big later this year. Soros touches on this in his op-ed, noting that the Chinese are ready to have their currency be included in the global SDR (Special Drawing Rights) basket maintained by the IMF, giving their currency global reach and some level of reserve status. The United States opposes such a move, but by doing so, is creating more hostility between East and West.

Whatever the case insofar as China’s currency is concerned, does anyone really believe that the United States is willing to give up its position as the world’s only super power by simply conceding economic power to the Chinese?

Moreover, does anyone think the Chinese, or the Russians for that matter, will sit idly by while America continues to push for global hegemony on all affairs related to finance, economic, politics and military might?

While Soros outlines his solutions, which involve a lot of political pandering and agreements, those in the upper echelons of the governing structures of the East and West have a lot to lose should they concede too much.

We have to assume that peaceful resolutions will give way to egos, money, power and influence, just as they have throughout human history.

This, of course, suggests that rather than finding middle-ground, there is a real danger that events will continue to escalate as the United States, China, and Russia increase military activity in proxy states like Ukraine, Iran, Syria and even North Korea.

The scenario painted by Soros isn’t that far-fetched, and it is one that has been put forth by Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief, who noted in a recent documentary that a war with China and Russia may be inevitable. Like Soros, Skousen has suggested atimeline into the early 2020’s because China and Russia need more time to ramp up their military and technological capabilities.

Once they’re ready, though, it will happen quickly and according to Skousen it will likely start in Asia:

Here’s how I think it’s going down. I think there will be an attack against South Korea. The North Koreans have over two million troops… 20,000 artillery… they can level Seoul in a matter of three or four days. The only way the U.S. can stop that attack is using tactical nuclear weapons.

And that would give China the excuse to nuke the United States. U.S. is guilty of first-use, the U.S. is the bully of the world, Russia and Chinese unite to launch against U.S. military targets. Not civilian targets per say. There will be about 12 or 15 cities that are inextricably connected with the military that are going to get hit that I mentioned in Strategic Relocation… you don’t want to be in those cities.

You may have two days notice when that attack in Korea starts, before China launches on the United States.

Source: The Trigger: If This Ever Happens You Know You’re Days Away From Nuclear War

The most powerful countries in the world are actively involved in mobilizing their militaries, just as was seen during the multi-year build-up to World War I.

The catalyst is impossible to predict, but it could be something as seemingly insignificant as the assassination of a member of the elite. Following the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in late June of 1914 all hell broke loose.

Within six months over a million people were dead.

And that was without nuclear weapons in their arsenals.


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