A new video has emerged showing ‘Desmond is Amazing’ – the 12-year-old “drag queen kid” – appearing in front of a poster with the word ‘Rohypnol’ written on it.

In the video, Desmond appears alongside Michael Alig, a 53-year-old former club promoter who served 17 years in prison for manslaughter for killing his drug dealer and then chopping up his dead body.

Alig’s website features numerous other paintings, including one of a “glowing demon baby,” several that feature pills or packets of Rohypnol and another entitled “Michael’s cum on Hitler’s face.”

Earlier this year we highlighted how a convicted child porn peddler wrote an article in which he described ‘Desmond is Amazing’ as “hot.”

As we reported back in June, reacting to concerns over Desmond’s performance at a gay night club in New York where attendees threw money at the child, his mother defended the decision, telling an Australian TV show, “I don’t understand what the controversy is.”

Desmond was previously involved in ‘Drag Queen Storytime’ – in which drag queens visit schools and libraries across America to read to children.

He also appeared on camera with a drag queen and mimicked snorting Ketamine, the horse tranquilizer that has become popular as a psychedelic drug.

One of the participants at a Drag Queen Story Time event in Houston, 32-year-old Albert Garza, later turned out to be a registered sex offender who was convicted of assaulting an eight-year-old boy in 2008.


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