Video shared Monday night on Twitter shows alleged members of the Young America’s Foundation trying to have conservative activist Kaitlin Bennett arrested for seeking to ask The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles a question.

“One day after disassociating from Michelle Malkin for being America first, YAF members ran to the cops on me for wanting to ask Michael Knowles a question for my YouTube channel,” Liberty Hangout‘s Kaitlin Bennett said on Twitter. “This is Conservative Inc. They want to deplatform people and get police to suppress free speech.”

The video shows Bennett politely asking two young women why they acted to prevent her from asking Knowles a question. The girls respond by dodging her questions and going to the police to allegedly try and have her arrested.

Though the police can be seen moving in Bennett’s direction, they did nothing as asking a question of Conservatism Inc and their henchmen is not (yet) illegal.

Despite YAF’s apparent bullying tactics, some America First conservatives managed to make it through:

The Daily Wire, TPUSA, NRO and their allies are now openly lobbying for Michelle Malkin to be deplatformed for defending Nick Fuentes’ free speech rights and the rights of America First young conservatives to ask their gatekeepers hard questions.

Episode 2 of Prove Me Wrong: Jeffery Epstein Didn’t Kill Him Self taped on location in front of Google’s Austin HQ. Alex interviews a google employee was used to be an Infowars fan, during the interview he reveals how he started the gay frog controversy.
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NRO/Intercollegiate Studies Institute fellow William Z. Nardi sent a tweet out on Monday telling Malkin, “You deserve to be de-platformed.”

“Conservative” LGBT activist Brad Polumbo wrote a smear piece for billionaire Philip Anschutz‘s Washington Examiner which attacked Malkin as a “racist” and suggested she’s a “white nationalist.”

Conservatism Inc love to act like they’re defenders of free speech, open debate and open dialogue but as soon as anyone challenges their grift operation they operate exactly like Media Matters and the SPLC.

As The Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing revealed recently,”what American conservatives want to conserve is American liberalism.”

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