Robert Weiland
We Are Change Colorado Media
August 19, 2011

NOTE: The angry and violent reaction of members of the public at being confronted with the truth about 9/11 is remarkable. Ten years later, too many people are ready to obediently obey government without question, while regarding activists as ‘scum’ and ‘filth.’

THE CELL, Larry Mizel, and Phil Anschutz sponsored a parade throughout Denver of the metal remains from the World Trade Center to be used in a permanent memorial is 15 Colorado cities as a friendly reminder to the citizens of Colorado that TERROR is going to get them. Mizel and Anschutz are intimately connected to the military/industrial complex and want nothing more than to get your children all upset about “terrorism” and send them off to fight more wars overseas.

As long as they push their inane propaganda, WACC will be there to counter with hard fact and science based refutations of the official story including “Blueprint For Truth” by AE911truthdotorg which can be viewed for free at that site and all over youtube for free. Watch it and prove us wrong. But the evidence is overwhelming and we have hundreds of pieces of smoking gun evidence that you will have to answer for, so bring your grandma and your white gloves. You’ve got your work cut out for you. Over 1600 licensed architects and engineers have put their reputations and careers on the line to call for a new, scientific, and most importantly, REAL investigation.

We Are Change Colorado will NOT stand idly by as our local Military/Industrial complex bosses and traitors sell out the great American ideals of Individual Liberty and Freedom to the massive hoax that is 9/11 and the Global War On Terror without a fight. Wherever you push your black propaganda we will be there to counter you with the Truth. WTC building 7 fell without being hit by a plane! Impossible! Only pre-placed demolitions could have made this happen where all the support columns are severed at the same moment. It’s a fact that the FBI KNEW about the hijackers were coming into the country, KNEW they were Al Qaeda, and allowed them entry anyway. It’s a fact that many of the hijackers were actually trained at US military bases to fly.

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Patriots defend the Constitution! If you are not in harmony with that statement you better take a long hard look at your values, belief systems, and paradigms that are no longer serving you. If you are police, military, or a public servant (TSA included), you swore an Oath to defend and honor our Constitution. We ask that you honor and uphold that Oath. We beg you. Don’t let America become the next Nazi/Stasi/Gulag police state.

We Are Change Colorado will provide a free copy of this DVD to any who can come get one, including and especially for any police and military that we can help wake up to the Truth. This is important. We are not your enemies. We are peacefully engaging in Free Speech. That’s all. We are based from the ideals of Non-vioence and Gandhi and his saying “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” We couldn’t agree more. Seek the Truth. Live and speak from your heart. Get involved and do not do tolerate criminality and injustice! Find a local We Are Change chapter or start one of your own and join us! Together we are strong!

What will you do without Freedom? Pursue the Truth relentlessly. It will set you Free. Love one another, tell the Truth, and expose corruption. Or America is doomed.

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