Becky Akers
July 2, 2012

The TSA has apparently decided to woo Americans on the warpath against it by pretending that its problems aren’t systemic and intractable but simply the fault of a few bad apples. To that end, it’s been on a firing spree. Fine by me! Let’s hope it dispatches every last one of its goons and perverts. But I doubt it owns even a fraction of the modicum of sense so obvious a move requires.

Ergo, it recently sacked eight gropers at Newark Airport (yes, I know its middle name is “Liberty,” but I will not sully that divine word with application to Leviathan’s gulag) for sleeping when they should have been gate-raping. Judge the utter evil of an agency that considers an innocent nap offensive but sexual assault a job. And in Florida a few weeks ago, the TSA gave 5 employees the heave-ho while “suspending “another 38  “after an internal investigation found they failed to perform random screenings last year.” We wouldn’t want Granny boarding without a deviant “randomly” inspecting her Depends, now, would we?

But the newest heads to fall belonged to some “air marshals” — you know, the guys who can’t shoot straight but who nonetheless babysit flights full of passengers. And, what the heck, who kill one every now and then to secure the ole Homeland.

Seems 8 of these murderous thugs were “drinking on duty at a Hooter’s bar near LaGuardia Airport.” Hooter’s: don’t you love it? But that wasn’t all: Our lecherous leeches also “ask[ed] for a law enforcement discount to reduce the tab.” Law enforcement! Priceless! But here’s the clincher: The TSA learned of this bibulous behavior because another marshal snitched on his fellows.

Hey, if you see something, say something.

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