Jacques Ex Deos Libertas
Activist Post
September 30, 2010

Never in the history of our nation have we faced so great a danger to our liberties, to our way of life, to our Republic. We now face a fifth column, an enemy so evil and so desperate, that no lie, no form of trickery, no deception is too great for them; to them the ends justify the means. Many conservatives have labeled these enemies of the Republic as communists. Although one of their own did invent the concept of communism, they are not communists. Many conservatives have labeled these traitors to America as socialists; this too is a fallacy, and though these people utilize socialism as a weapon as they have with communism, they are not really socialists either. Socialism was invented by them, promoted by them, and tweaked to its current form by them; but it too is only a means to an end.

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There is no doubt that the enemy I am referring to is totalitarian in the extreme. They are the quintessential enemies of the Republic, of the Constitution, of liberty and freedom as defined in the Constitution of these United States of America. In fact, these people are the enemies of all of mankind. Their aim is to destroy liberty, to destroy freedom, to destroy this Republic and the principles of its Bill of Rights and the Constitution that guards our liberty and freedoms. These people are the most tyrannical, the most evil humans that have ever set foot on this planet to date.

Who then am I referring too? What is their political identity? What are their goals and their ambitions? I am referring to the GLOBALISTS, a breed of human animal so vicious, so evil, so tyrannical they make Adolf Hitler look like a school boy. As a matter of fact, they funded, supported, aided and abetted Hitler’s rise to power, just as they did with Mao, Pol Pot, the Russian Bolsheviks, Kim Il Sung, Kim Jung Il, Yasser Arafat, The Muslim Brotherhood, The Shah of Iran Reza Palavi, and a host of other tin horn dictators all over Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and South America. They are in fact fascists, but a very different form of fascism than we have been taught to recognize.

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Who then are these villans? They are the Global Elite, the stockholders of the largest international banks in the world, and the largest corporations in the world. They are also the stockholders and board members of the Federal Reserve Board, and the Federal Reserve Bank. They are both the well known and those not so well known: the Rothschilds family, the Rockefellers (specifically David Rockefeller), The Royal Family of England, The Royal Family of Spain, The Royal Family of The Netherlands, most of the surviving Royals of Europe are in this Cabal of Evil. Also the oldest Banking Families of Europe, America, and Asia.

The Groups that do the bidding of these Global Elites are the Committee of 300, The Club of Rome, The Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Rockefeller Foundation, The United Nations, as well as other groups both political and social. The world leaders, businessmen, intelligentsia, government organizations and their bureaucrats are their lackeys. The unions are their lackeys, The Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 corporations are their lackeys. The mainline universities and most of the mainline think-tanks are their lackeys. Examples would be the Rand Corporation, The CIA, and most every International Intelligence Agency, in America, Europe, and the West, to include Israel.

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If we are to restore America to a place of individual rights, civil liberties, and the freedom to pursue our happiness, the identities of the criminal cabal must continue to be revealed. We should continue to a shine the light of truth into their shadowy corners.

Sources for this article:

http://benjaminfulford.com/300.html – a listing of the committee of 300
http://www.fourwinds10.com/siterun_data/government/new_world_order/...  list of the committee of 300 past and present. And the organizations directly under their influence.

What is their agenda?
Plain and simple – World Domination in every arena of human existence.

http://educate-yourself.org/cn/johncolemangoalsofIlluminati.shtml http://pakalert.wordpress.com/2009/08/16/the-illuminati-agenda-for-...

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