President Donald Trump took on “fake news CNN” Sunday in a tweet depicting himself wrestling the embattled network.

The video, complete with #FraudNewsCNN and #FNN hashtags, has already racked up more than 230,000 retweets.

Establishment journalists accused the president of “promoting violence” while CNN commentator Ana Navarro claimed Trump was “going to get somebody killed in the media.”

CNN released the following statement early Sunday:

Trump’s tweet followed another Saturday from the commander-in-chief in which he debated changing “fake news CNN” to “Fraud News CNN.”

Trump also tweeted “garbage journalism” at CNN Saturday following a devastating week for the network which, among other scandals, saw 3 employees resign.

CNN accepted the resignation of the journalists Monday after a story accusing a Trump associate of having Russian ties was retracted.

Numerous undercover videos from the Veritas Project also revealed how top figures at CNN consider the Russia story a “nothing burger” and a ploy for ratings.

O’Keefe Strikes Again: Van Jones Says Russia Story A Big Nothing Burger

RELATED: 200K in cash prizes for Infowars “CNN is Fake News” contest!

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