Police are searching for two black males after a 72-year-old female churchgoer in Nebraska was robbed, then punched in the face during a Sunday service.

Shocking surveillance video shows two black teens entering the St. Cecilia’s Cathedral in Omaha before approaching the unsuspecting parishioner.

The first male appears to snatch the woman’s purse before the second strikes her down with a single punch to the temple, knocking the woman over and gashing her head on a nearby table.

Both males can then be seen fleeing the scene as the woman lay helpless and stunned.

According to the church pastor, the attack has sent shockwaves throughout the tight-knit community.

“Of course it’s shocking because we haven’t had anything like that here – at least not in 10 years,” Fr. Michael Gugsell told WOWT-TV. “And so obviously we prayed for her the next two masses and the parishioners are now concerned.”

A statement from the victim’s granddaughter on Facebook indicates the elderly woman is “ok,” and asks the community to pray for her attackers.


Father Gugsell says the attack has struck fear into church attendees, who now question St. Cecilia’s safety.

“‘Is it safe? Should I be in the church?’ And we tried to assure them this is a safe place and it was something completely out of the blue,” he said.

Police are seeking the public’s help in identifying the suspects, who they describe as two black males both approximately 16 years of age.

“Identifiable markings include the t-shirt and hair of the assailant, and the hood of the purse snatcher. Height estimated at 5’ 10,” Associate Pastor Fr. James Netusil described.

The incident is yet another in a wave of black on white, knockout game assaults which many accuse the establishment media of downplaying or ignoring altogether.

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