Actor Jim Carrey blamed Donald Trump for the murder of schoolchildren in a bizarre new artwork featuring the president standing over dead bodies.

In an image tweeted on President’s Day, the aging Ace Ventura star depicted a golf course littered with dead children as a President Trump silhouette asks, “What’s wrong with these kids? Didn’t they hear me yell ‘fore’?”

“It’s President’s Day and Chief Little Hands has been busy tweeting from his golf resort, a chip shot away from the latest bloody school shooting,” Carrey wrote on Twitter Monday. “He was hoping to play a few holes while grieving families are busy digging them. I support @cameron_kasky #neveragain”

As if the badly-drawn artwork wasn’t crass enough, Carrey tweeted the image at one of the survivors of last week’s Florida school massacre, Cameron Kasky, who actually thanked the actor.

“Thank you. I promise we will bring eternal sunshine to the minds of millions sending their kids to school in the morning. #MarchForOurLives #NeverAgain,” Kasky tweeted back.

Kasky, whose Twitter bio says he’s “angry, scared, confused, grieving, and sick of the NRA fostering and promoting gun culture,” has been making the rounds on mainstream media promoting his anti-Second Amendment group Never Again, which plans to stage a march in Washington DC on March 24.

Along with being anti-Second Amendment, previous tweets show Kasky is also an opponent of President Trump, who he is calling on to enact gun control legislation.

Meanwhile, Trump supporters were quick to push back on the Hollywood actor for failing to condemn Obama for similar mass shootings.

Some also pointed out President Trump visited Florida shooting victims at the hospital, likely while Carrey was sitting at home completing his painting.


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