The man who slashed a giant balloon depicting President Trump as a baby says he feels no remorse over his actions.

Hoyt Hutchinson, 32, was arrested over the weekend when he used a box cutter to deflate the 20-foot balloon used by demonstrators to protest President Trump’s visit to a University of Alabama football game.

Hutchinson was jailed on criminal mischief and, after posting $2,500 bail, started a GoFundMe seeking $6,000 to help pay his legal fees, which has now raised over $46,000 in donations.

“Some liberals tried to come to my hometown and start some trouble, and that ain’t happening,” Hutchinson said in a video asking for donations following his arrest. “I did get arrested and I got charged. But that’s alright. I’d do it again if given the opportunity. So, I’m glad ya’ll enjoyed that.”

He added, “Give what you can. I’m donating the rest to the Republican party. Trump 2020.”

Speaking to the “Rick & Bubba” radio show on Monday, Hutchinson said he took a stand in the battle of good versus evil.

“It comes a point when you’ve got to take a stand,” Hutchinson said. “We don’t have two parties anymore. We have good vs. evil. When you got one party that says it’s okay to kill babies.”
He added, “And by the way, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen a liberal get mad about chopping up a baby.”

An update on Hutchinson’s fundraiser says GoFundMe reached out to ensure him the “campaign is handled properly and the funds are given to help Hoyt or can be returned to you who have donated.”

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