A transgender teenager won a girls wrestling contest on Saturday despite attempts from other competitors’ parents to stop him from taking part. 

Mack Beggs, a 17-year-old from Euless, Texas, has been taking steroids as part of his transition from female to male since late 2015.

He says he wants to compete against boys but isn’t allowed to because of University Interscholastic League rules which say he must compete as the gender listed by his birth certificate.

A girl he was due to wrestle at the weekend forfeited the match amid claims from parents that was unsafe for her to wrestle the transgender teenager who they say he is getting an ‘unfair advantage’ by taking steroids.

One parent has launched a lawsuit against the League, claiming it is putting girls at risk of ‘imminent threat of bodily harm’ by allowing Mack to remain in the 110-pound weight class.

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