Double digit support but Paul feels he must pick up a win

Steve Watson
October 28, 2011

Ron Paul

GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul is polling in third in the key early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, according to a new CNN/Time poll released yesterday.

The Texas Congressman attracted 12% in telephone polls with potential voters in all three states.

MItt Romney and Herman Cain were polled first and second respectively in all three states.

In Iowa and South Carolina, Cain appears to be closer to Romney, trailing by just 2 and 3 percentage points.

In New Hampshire, however, Romney leads with 40%, while Cain remains just one percentage point ahead of Paul.

In Iowa, a large majority of 62% indicated that they might change mind in the coming weeks and months, while 48% and 56% said the same in New Hampshire and South Carolina.

The results indicate that Ron Paul can pick up more points before the Iowa Caucus on January 3rd and the New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries on January 10 and 21.

“The steady, growing support Ron Paul earns in the key early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina is a direct result of his winning message of Constitutionally-limited government, sound money, and a strong national defense,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

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Paul’s campaign team have been pushing hard in the early states, setting aside a $2 million advertising buy, while the Congressman has made many visits to the states over the past few months. Today Paul is scheduled to hold a town hall meeting at Hampstead in New Hampshire.

Paul has by far the most loyal grass roots support out of all the candidates In Iowa, registering the most campaign donations out of all the potential GOP nominees.

Federal Elections Commission data filed in mid-October shows that Paul has received over $77,000 in contributions from Iowa so far this election cycle, a full $10,000 more than Mitt Romney.

Indeed, the only candidate to have raised more in Iowa is the incumbent President, who has hit almost $200,000 in contributions.

Paul sits well ahead of the rest of the GOP field, having raised more than double the contributions of his next closet rival – Michelle Bachmann.

In August Paul came a close second in the Iowa GOP straw poll, capturing a commanding 44% of the over 6000 votes cast.

The tussle for New Hampshire may ultimately be decided by funding. While Romney has the distinct advantage, Paul raised $8 million in the 3rd Quarter, $5 million more that former pizza magnate Herman Cain.

Earlier this week the Congressman, appearing on Fox News’ Center Seat segment of Special Report Online, stated that he felt he needed to win one of the three early primaries and place second in one of them for his campaign to continue with momentum.

“I would be disappointed with third.” Paul said, adding “If I come in third I’m still alive, but I think I better do first or second in a couple of those. I have to do well in January.”

Watch the interview below:

Elsewhere today, Paul has penned an editorial piece in USA Today, in which he denounces criticism of his student loan plan as ‘reckless’.

“The many headlines that came out after my interview Sunday on ‘Meet the Press’ exclaimed that I wanted to ‘end’ or ‘phase out’ all student loans. In the long term — just like Social Security for people under the age of 25 — this is technically true. But to portray my budget plan as immediately getting rid of student loans is simply dishonest,” Paul said.

Read the entire piece here.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Notti

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