Top House Intelligence Committee Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) rejected calls by the panel’s former chairman for him to recuse himself from an investigation into Russian interference in the election.

Former Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) called on Schiff to recuse himself from the investigation because he described aspects of classified information to the media, which is what left-wing groups have accused Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) of doing before he recused himself.

“For his part, Schiff suggested to the media that he had seen information on Russia-Trump campaign ties that was ‘the kind of evidence’ that would be presented to a grand jury, adding that he had seen additional evidence, but not elaborating further,” Rogers wrote in a CNN op-ed.

Rogers was referring to comments Schiff made in late March, where he said, “I do think that it’s appropriate to say that it’s the kind of evidence that you would submit to a grand jury at the beginning of an investigation.”

Nunes announced he would recuse himself from the investigation after leftist groups like filed a complaint against him, arguing that he broke House rules and discussed classified intelligence.

“Equally, Representative Adam Schiff should consider recusing himself from the probe,” Rogers said.

“Both Nunes and Schiff are equally to blame for the Committee’s loss of focus,” he added. “How can a committee, which handles sensitive classified information, conduct its business when the purportedly secret information is discussed – even by insinuation – publicly in front of the media?”

Schiff pushed back against Rogers’ suggestion in an ABC News interview Sunday, saying it wasn’t “a serious one.”

Ethics charges were leveled against Nunes a week after he told reporters he saw evidence that Trump and members of his team were among those picked up in the surveillance of foreign targets, which many saw as vindication for Trump’s assertion that he was “wiretapped” by the Obama administration.

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