What’s so amusing about today’s article from the New York Times titled, At Dinner Tables, Restless President Finds Intellectual Escape, is that the author appears to be quite sympathetic to Obama. She seems to want to portray the President as a real statesman; one who is so far above politics and the pedestrian task of being Commander in Chief that he finds it necessary to flee his responsibilities in order to find intellectual escape while dining extravagantly with “elites” in Europe. In contrast, he merely comes across as the arrogant, disconnected, oligarch coddler he is.

The article also seems to say something important about the New York Times’ own disconnectedness, particularly considering the paper’s Pentagon correspondent recently referred to the American public as children, with the government and mainstream media playing the role of parents.

While none of the statements within this article are quotes from Obama, you have to wonder if he is voicing these sentiments to the people who surround around him “off the record.” If so, it appears he is indeed what many have suspected. A community organizer desperately leveraging the Presidency in order to reach that final rung on the ladder to oligarchy.

Now from the New York Times. Read it and weep serfs:

WASHINGTON — President Obama had just disembarked from Air Force One and was still on the tarmac in Rome when he turned to his host, John R. Phillips, the American ambassador to Italy, with an unexpected request: How about a dinner party tomorrow night?

Nice to see he has his priorities straight. When he’s not golfing or trying to start another war, he throws dinner parties at 15th Century Italian estates.

In a summer when the president is traveling across the country meeting with “ordinary Americans” under highly choreographed conditions, the Rome dinner shows another side of Mr. Obama. As one of an increasing number of late-night dinners in his second term, it offers a glimpse into a president who prefers intellectuals to politicians, and into the rarefied company Mr. Obama may keep after he leaves the White House.

No, more accurately, he prefers “intellectuals” to the people he was actually elected to serve.

Sometimes stretching into the small hours of the morning, the dinners reflect a restless president weary of the obligations of the White House and less concerned about the appearance of partying with the rich and celebrated. Freewheeling, with conversation touching on art, architecture and literature, the gatherings are a world away from the stilted meals Mr. Obama had last year with Senate Republican leaders at the Jefferson Hotel in Washington.

This probably wouldn’t read much differently from a hypothetical press release issued by the court of King Louis XVI in the 1780′s

One Saturday night in May, Mr. Obama was up well past midnight at the White House for a dinner that included Ken Burns, the documentary filmmaker, and his wife, Julie; Anne Wojcicki, the chief executive and a co-founder of the personal genome testing company 23andMe, who brought her sister, Susan, the chief executive of YouTube; and Tom Steyer, the billionaire hedge fund manager and Democratic donor. Mrs. Obama was also there, but was not on the trip to Rome. The dinner there was first reported by Politico.The dinners often carry over into Mr. Obama’s day job — and his fund-raising. At a White House meeting on working families last month, Mr. Obama included Ms. Wojcicki — who has two young children with her husband, the Google co-founder Sergey Brin, from whom she is separated — in a discussion of workplace policies with other chief executives. Less than two weeks before, Ms. Wojcicki hosted a technology forum and fund-raiser for the Democratic National Committee at her home in Los Altos, Calif., which was attended by Mr. Obama and 25 guests who paid $34,200 each.

In Paris, the president was up again until nearly midnight enjoying, among other things, Drappier Champagne.

This sounds like a President who has simply given up. Then again, he may see the past six years as an unqualified success. He protected and further enriched the thieving oligarch class, while polishing up his resume in anticipation of the hundreds of millions he will chase like the Clintons after leaving office. Michelle in 2032? Why not.

It just goes to show. Nero was a piker. Instead of wasting his time fiddling, Obama protects Wall Street with one hand, while washing down ribeye steaks and Drappier Champagne with the other.

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