Robert Bonomo
Activist Post 
October 14, 2011

A very small yet conscious minority has come to the realization that the current world regime is one giant corporate infomocracy that needs to be terminated with “extreme prejudice”, disengagement being the weapon of choice.  The next revolution will not be carried out by mobs of angry people, guerrillas, terrorists or, god forbid, politicians.  It will be accomplished by a small (10%) militant minority that will simply unplug the matrix. 

A Very Condensed Case for Revolution

An enormous, dictatorial corporate cartel is ruling the world through its proxies in government, banking, academia and media.  Our entire Western culture has become an insidious farce with the sole purpose of maintaining the enslaved masses in their conjured up democracies, religions and histories.

Two developments have increased its control exponentially:  globalisation and the information revolution.

The world is entering the final acts of a great social, political and economic shift.  The international currency regime, the keystone of control,  is peering into the abyss; the Middle East is being turned upside down; the bankrupt United States government is fighting several wars and maintaining approx. 1,000 military bases in over 120 countries. The insatiable greed and desire for world control have created a breach in the system.  People are becoming aware, while their masters scramble for control as the chaotic climax approaches.

Violence, crackdowns, massacres and all-out wars are erupting from Libya to Bahrain.  As Yeats put it, “the centre cannot hold”.  The Arab Spring will soon reach the Wall in the West Bank, and when it does the possibility of a large-scale conflict and the eventual involvement of Iran are almost inevitable.  How the West reacts when this conflict erupts upon us will be the inflection point for the entire period.

The great strides made in Western liberal societies since the Enlightenment have been  firmly based on the Greco/Christian tradition.  It should be no surprise that the purveyors of consumerist agnosticism firmly reject this tradition within the Western democracies.  By pulling the spiritual rug out from under Euro/American culture, they have left a black hole that can only be filled by their circus and gadgets.  We have not only paid, but have in fact indebted ourselves, to worship at the feet of their materialist God.  This has nothing to do with theology and everything to do with culture.  The West is paying a very dear price for having stopped thinking critically and educating its children.

The great European experiment (much more than simply the EU), thought by many to be the light of the world, is sinking like the Titanic.  With a total disregard for traditional culture, the ruling elites have turned our schools, universities, arts and mass media into a giant propaganda machine promoting political correctness, pseudo history & economics and the new world religion: debt-based consumerism.  Anyone who questions their version of science, world history, or monetary policy is immediately branded as a malcontent and removed from the public discourse.  They control the message by controlling the money.

Many look at the twentieth century as a time of great economic and technical advance, but history, while recognizing the the technical innovation, will condemn this century as the most vile in human history.  The miracle that began in Greece, expanded in Rome, flourished in the Renaissance & Enlightenment and finally found its modern form in the Western liberal democracy has been been gutted by a century of materialism, enslavement, slaughter and greed. 

The Corporation and Infomocracy

There is no better example of fascism in today’s world than the major corporation: decisions made by a select group of insiders, bureaucratic conformism, communications ripe with propaganda, and the cult of power.  There is nothing democratic about the boardrooms of these behemoths, so how can we expect the governments they rule to be democratic?  They have created a two-party charade with news programs, talking heads and opposing media facing off in faux battles to conjure up a their infomocracy.

The corporations control the creation and distribution of our money, our foreign policy, entertainment and news. The only way to put a wedge between these monoliths and the liberty of individuals is to completely disengage from them. They manipulate news and opinion to the extent that actual issues are never discussed, only the distractions are debated.

Two Examples –  Health care and Iraq

The United States has by far the most expensive health care system in the world, and a decidedly unhealthy population.  Something is clearly wrong with this system.  The debate is carefully divided into those who want to maintain the status-quo — Republicans, and those that want to enhance the status quo — Democrats.  All of the actors fall into line and go either shirts or skins, but the truth is never discussed.

The Federal Government subsidizes the corporate health care system and the overpaid doctors by  regulating the market out of the system and creating a closed corporate hegemony over the industry.  The media and academic shills stick to their subsidized scripts and the real solution is never discussed, because that solution would destroy the bottom lines of  the corporate players.

Simply deregulate. Remove ALL regulations on who can practice medicine and how. Any drug can be sold in the US, period.  End the FDA.  Private FDA’s will sprout up, vouching for the validity of drugs.  Some will be better than others, but the consumers will decide which ones work. Any doctor can practice medicine and many private organizations will appear vouching for their credentials.  As long as there is a judicial system that can pass judgement on reasonable claims, the system will work out its kinks and we will have, without a doubt, the cheapest most effective health care system in the world.  It’s that simple.  The only thing the government is doing in healthcare is subsidizing corporate profits.

Those preferring ;universal health coverage can certainly make their case at the local level without imposing it on a nation of over 300 million people.

The war in Iraq was started by taking advantage of the fear and confusion from 9/11 with the intention of creating a safer Middle East for the state of Israel.  While this idea is far from novel, it’s not allowed to enter the mainstream discussion of the issue.  The truth is taboo because the consequences of accepting it would be beyond the pale for those who conceived of and pushed the country to war;  too much blood to be laid at the feet of the guilty.  The motives and consequences of Vietnam were argued in academia and the mainstream media ad nauseam, but you will not see aPentagon Papers come out of The New York Times regarding Iraq because the repercussion would reverberate too close to home. How can the purveyors of morality be nothing more than war mongers?


Why is there a world ‘economic’ crisis?  Is it a lack of able-bodied workers, natural resources, factories, or infrastructure?  Absolutely not.  It’s a lack of liquidity and/or too much debt, however one decides to slice it.  The most important myth supporting the system is the belief in fractional reserve money as a valid store of value and means of exchange.

The banks are allowed to create the money out of nothing, and charge interest for turning the trick, while the masses have to earn it.  The right to create money is the right to leverage, and it’s that financial leverage that hoists them to the top of the pyramid.  Without this leverage they would not be able to create such massive amounts of wealth and control.  The only way to destroy this system and create fair money is by creating awareness.  Once people understand the “trick”, the whole house of cards begins to collapse.

One simple thought experiment is to imagine what would happen if the the mega banks and the Fed came to an agreement to cut all personal debt by 50%, send a credit card with 20K to every American, while at the same time paying off all government debt (federal, state and local).  In this experiment everything would be paid for by quantitative easing and removing bank reserve requirements for bad debts.  The “crisis” would be over in about three months:  anyone who wanted to work would be able to find a job, factory capacity would surge, and the entire world economy would rise on a massive wave of prosperity.  The only trick would be keeping inflation at bay by reducing government spending to a balanced budget and keeping interest rates high enough. This is not to say that creating money out of thin air and giving it away is the answer, but it does point out that the entire crisis is abstract and contrived and the supreme charge of the government is to protect those that live off interest and leverage.  The debts pushed on the 99% by the powers-that-be are its main source of leverage and wealth, and by overburdening the productive population with debt they killed the proverbial goose.

People out of work, factories shuttered, fields unploughed, students without teachers, children without food — all because of digital debt money.  Why can’t a man with a strong back and a working brain simply go out, work, create something and exchange it for money?  That would be too easy.  First someone has to create the money, with interest.  The fractional reserve system, by design, creates artificial scarcity, allowing the ruling banker class and their political puppets to skim enough off everyone’s work and turn abundant, productive labor and private property into a giant banker-run slum — turf wars included.  They put massive claims on future production until, at the end of the cycle, their debt chickens come home to roost. 


Why is this basic truth not shouted from every newspaper, college classroom, church pulpit and street corner?  In a world of brands, they control who is deemed appropriate.  Anyone who states the truth is isolated, blacklisted or demonized as inappropriate, which is now just another word for honest.  An entire caste of over-educated shills dominate media, film, the arts, literature, and academia.  Organized religion, when not protecting pedophiles and apartheid states, spends the rest of its moral capital railing against the basic pleasures of humanity that have yet to be monetized and securitized by Wall Street.

They tell us to kill and we kill.  Current fashion is that it is okay to kill Yemenis, Bahrainis, Palestinians, and some other assorted Muslims.  Libyans have been put on the no-kill list and Syrians may soon find themselves on the same list.  That list means only NATO can kill them (see Afghanistan).  Iraqis have the special honor of being exclusively killed by Americans since May 2011.

Education, Religion & Circus

One of the most amazing feats of the regime is how they coerce young people to go into extreme amounts of debt to be brainwashed and taught not to think before they ever even have a career.

Mainstream and not so mainstream religion generally tries to sell people on a hodgepodge of fear and fantasy, with a big pay-off for the self righteous who drink most from the sacred well of Kool-Aid.

What must never be attempted is to actually have an authentic spiritual experience, for this would cause the subject to run from the dogma and quite possibly bring most of the remaining parishioners with him.  Real consciousness is as much an anathema to religion as critical thinking is to academia.

But even if one can escape the grasp of schools and universities, dodge the churches, few can evade the tempting trap of the circus.  The television, music, the press, spectator sports, movie stars and the like have an almost hallucinatory power over the sheeple.  Not only do these pastimes steal the money of the masses, they brainwash them to boot.  The regime’s mantra: pay the master for the right to be enslaved.


Violent Revolution?

In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato compares the awakening process to realizing the shadows on the wall are only reflections from lanterns in a cave, but he points out that there is a period during which the eyes need to get adjusted; in these moments the person can see neither the shadows, nor make out the real images soaked in sunlight.

Those who awaken go through many stages, one of which is the strong desire to plant bombs and slit throats.  As Plato points out, there is a period of disorientation as one meanders out of the cave.  While violence is the most appetizingly simple of choices, it is also the most counterproductive. Anything one does that can be utilized by the masters to fire up their destructive paraphernalia is a mistake.  In fact, anything that even breaks their laws is harmful to the cause and will only create useless opposition.  All forms of violent resistance only generate energy which they use to manipulate news and events in order to create fear and reactionism.  They thrive on our anxieties and use the very energy generated against them as the impetus to foment division among their opponents.

Enlightened Disengagement

The enlightened conscious man needs no school to raise his children, no church to know his God, no banker to validate his work and no government to choose his enemies.  He is free to do as he pleases, when he pleases and how he pleases.  His liberty allows him to need almost nothing, which is how the great evil matrix becomes undone: in a great fire of awareness.

Money – Use fractional reserve money only for what is needed in the short term.  Have no savings denominated in their dollars.  All savings in hard assets.

Work & Corporations – Avoid, to the greatest extent possible, working for and using corporations.  Actively pursue locally owned alternatives and self-employment.  As a consumer, avoid all corporate products whenever possible. This includes clothes, food, religion, news, etc.

Bread & Circus – Cancel all cable subscriptions immediately. Sell all your televisions and take your best friend out for a night on the town with the proceeds.  Stop participating in the corporate entertainment network.  If you love baseball, follow a local independent team.  If you love dramas, frequent your local theater.  Read independent news services.  Always know the source of what you are consuming.   Avoid corporate food at all costs.  Pay the premium for locally, independently grown and prepared food.

Follow the Law to the Letter – That means paying all taxes, following all regulations, and submitting to all their rules while they are still in force. The cause is not advanced by having militants ensnarled by the criminal justice system. All their efforts must be fully dedicated to disengaging themselves, their families and their friends.  Moves must be calculated to maximize strength and staying power, even if it means remaining “attached” to parts of the system longer than one would like.   A financially sound, secure militant family disengaging and evangelizing is their worst enemy. 

Politics– The obvious thing to be done is to abstain.  In most cases, this would be the clear strategy. However, with an iconoclastic candidate like Ron Paul still in the running, it makes sense to give him support.  The more the mainstream avoids him and dances around his campaign, the more he should be backed.

The Magical 10%

We don’t need to convince the whole village, we only need 10% of them. A recent study has confirmed that once an idea reaches the 10% threshold and that 10% is demonstrably fixed to the idea, the majority will quickly follow.

“Three conditions are key: a majority that is flexible with their views, a minority that is intractable, and a critical threshold wherein about a tenth of the population advocate the minority opinion. They also saw that the time it takes to reach social consensus drops dramatically as the minority grows past this tipping point”

The focus must be on the best and the brightest, the rest will follow. There is no need to dumb down the message; on the contrary, the highest level of argumentation and language should be implemented to capture the critical thinkers, leaders and trend setters.

A Well-Sharpened Blade

There is only one path to freedom, and it is terribly straight and narrow.  To navigate it one must shed prejudice, education, political correctness, patriotism, greed and fear.  Realizing the profound depth of the deception can be frightening; a slew of long-held beliefs will come tumbling down.  Much of the truth is, by design, diametrically opposed to what we have been “taught” to consider moral, ethical, even decent.  Whatever term one wishes to apply to consciousness, revolution without it is simply exchanging masters. The enemy is ignorance in all its insidious forms.

The real revolution needs no leaders, banners, or platforms. Each awakened man’s consciousness is his own guide. Those looking for a place to sign up are simply looking for more enslavement.  The controllers are well aware of the danger to their pyramid and will surely toss out some interesting schemes to hold on to power. The enemy of awareness is distraction, but the antidote is simple: close out, turn off, unplug and ignore.

This article was edited by Jim Horky

This story originally appeared on Activist Post.

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