Kurt Nimmo
February 15, 2011

Now that establishment Republicans have managed to steer the Tea Party into the political Borg Hive and run off the real patriots, it is time to get the neocon total war agenda back on track.

Rep. Michele Bachmann: Just another tool for the neocon mass murder agenda.

Minnesota’s Michele Bachmann, like Alaska’s Sarah Palin, likes to pretend she is at the center of the Tea Party movement. She talks loud and long about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Last week Bachmann voted for an extension of the Constitution-busting PATRIOT Act.

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“Today I voted for a temporary extension of three legal authorities in the Patriot Act,” Bachmann wrote on her Facebook on February 8. “This vote was not for a full reauthorization of the Patriot Act. As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I look forward to briefings and reports from our intelligence community that will help us develop longer term solutions as we protect our nation against international terrorism.”

“Today’s vote was for a ten-month extension of three provisions that would have expired later this month,” she posted on her House page. “These provisions maintain the flexibility that our intelligence community needs to monitor terror suspects and protect our country against international terrorism. As a mother of five and a foster mother to 23 children, I voted for these authorities so that our laws keep pace with the evolving threats posed by terrorists.”

As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, it is fair to assume Ms. Bachmann is a tool for the CIA and the Pentagon and buys into their phony war on manufactured terror.

But then she always was a dupe for the neocons. Michelle Bachmann was so enamored with the war criminal George W. Bush, she felt compelled to hug and kiss him after his State of the Dis-functional Union teleprompter speech a few years ago.

Bachmann kisses war criminal and neocon tool George Bush.

The Bachmann-Palin neocons in Tea Party camouflage are going to take us down the same road as Bush – the same road followed unswervingly by Obama.

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The globalist puppet masters need world war in order to sell their snake oil of globalist government and a return of serfdom to the masses.

Bachmann is on the Order Out o Chaos gang’s team.

The question is… does she even realize it?

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