Kurt Nimmo
March 20, 2012

Google is a key component of the spook and military establishment. In 2004, the Director of Technology Assessment at In-Q-Tel, Rob Painter, moved from the CIA to become Senior Federal Manager at Google. In-Q-Tel is the CIA’s technology investment firm. In 2006, Robert Steele, a former clandestine services case officer at the agency, told Alex Jones Google and the CIA are joined at the hip. He said the CIA’s contact at Google is Rick Steinheiser of the Office of Research and Development.

photoJared Cohen, CFR member and one of the principal architects of “21st century statecraft.”

The recent Wikileaks Stratfor email dump adds more detail to the picture. Communication between Stratfor and Google reveals a number of players working behind the scenes to topple Arab an Muslim governments and help install “democratic” (read: establishment friendly) regimes in the Middle East. An article posted on the al-Akhbar website names two: Google’s director for security and safety Marty Lev and Jared Cohen, currently the director of Google Ideas, described as a “think/do-tank” designed as a tool for spreading “liberal democracy” as defined by the State Department and its boss, the Council on Foreign Relations.

Cohen is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and is a member of the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff and was a close adviser to both Condoleezza Rice and now Hillary Clinton. As one of the principal architects of what became known as “21st century statecraft,” Cohen made the transition from the Bush to the Obama administrations while other neocons were jettisoned.

As noted in the Stratfor emails, Cohen was involved in undermining the Mubarak regime in Egypt and worked closely with the failed effort to topple the government in Iran during its elections in June of 2009.

Cohen was instrumental in creating Movements.org, a nonprofit spawned during an Alliance of Youth Movements event in 2008 that “brought together digital activists, technology and media leaders, NGOs, and governments to convene, share best practices, and create a network of socially responsible grassroots activists using technology for their movements and campaigns,” explains Wikipedia. A Stratfor email described Movements.org as a “site created to help online organization of groups and individuals to move democracy in stubborn nations. Funded through public-private partnerships.”

As Ayn Rand noted in 1965, the term “public-private partnerships” is a “linguistic corruption (an ‘anti-concept’) typical of a fascist ideology – an ideology that regards force as the basic element and ultimate arbiter in all human relationships.” Rand considered “public-private partnerships” as emblematic of fascism.

Stratfor’s vice-president of counter-terrorism Fred Burton said “that the US State Department is the organization’s public sponsor.” The State Department partnered with several corporations and served as the main sponsor of the 2008 inaugural Alliance of Youth Movements summit in New York City that subsequently created Movements.org. Hillary Clinton endorsed the organization and presented a video message during the second summit held in Mexico City a year later, Yazan al-Saadi writes for al-Akhbar.

In another email, Burton described how Google does the CIA’s bidding. “GOOGLE is getting WH [White House] and State Dept. support and air cover. In reality, they are doing things the CIA cannot do,” in other words overthrow governments and other dirty business devised by the global elite. Following negative revelations about the CIA in the mid-70s, the agency began farming out work to “democracy” and “humanitarian” front NGOs and organizations in the 1980s.

“A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA,” Allen Weinstein, who helped create the National Endowment for Democracy, said in 1991. “NED’s programs are in sync with the basic needs and objectives of the New World Order’s economic globalization, just as the programs have for years been on the same wavelength as US foreign policy,” writes William Blum.

The emails indicate that Google was concerned about the role Cohen played in fomenting unrest in the Middle East, but more likely the corporation seeded with spook money and currently involved in surveillance technology projects with the CIA was more concerned that the flamboyant CFR operative would expose the technology corporation to criticism and a new round of negative public relations disasters.

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