Rep. Steve King (R-IA) gave a catastrophic assessment of President Donald Trump’s reportedly hatched amnesty deal with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other Democratic leaders Wednesday night.

King tweeted the following after the Associated Press (AP) and other outlets reported that the president told Democrats he wanted a “quick” amnesty for the 800,000 plus illegal aliens he acted to removed protections from on September 5:

King, a long-time immigration hawk, told Breitbart News Washington political editor Matt Boyle that an amnesty move like the one onto which Trump reportedly signed Wednesday was “Republican suicide.” That assessment came just after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the administration’s decision to keep a major election campaign promise and phase out President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)executive order. “It was a clear campaign promise,” King said at the time, referring to an immediate end to the program upon Trump’s taking office.

Instead, after allowing DACA to trod on in its likely unconstitutional limbo for nine months, Trump finally rescinded the executive amnesty with a graceful phase out that potentially gives the illegals covered under it two and half more years of protection. Texas and eight other states dropped their already fruitful lawsuits seeking to have DACA overturned, only because of this promise.

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