Analysis by the Media Research Center shows that the three big US news networks devoted at least twice as much air time during their main evening shows to outrage over the Confederate Flag than they did to the news that several American citizens have recently been recruited by the Islamic State terror group.

The stats for June show that ABC was the biggest offender, devoting FOUR TIMES more air time to some Americans taking offense to the Confederate flag, in the wake of the Charleston shooting.

In total, in the month of June, the evening news shows of ABC, CBS and NBC covered the ISIS threat for only 17 minutes, 35 seconds, while a whopping 37 minutes and 18 seconds was scheduled for the ‘racist’ flag issue.

The Media Research Center also notes that because the Confederate flag debate didn’t begin until June 19, yet ISIS recruitment has been ongoing for the whole month, the flag ‘debate’ actually received FIVE TIMES more coverage (186 seconds per day vs 35 seconds per day).

The flag issue was dragged on and on and hyped by the networks, as companies like Walmart, Amazon, Apple, EBay and Google all vowed to pull products with any links to Confederate flags, because they were deemed to be threatening and offensive.

Meanwhile, throughout June, there were at least six reported cases of American citizens joining ISIS, and several intelligence agency alerts and warnings regarding the growing influence of ISIS inside America.

It is believed that the FBI have made at least 30 arrests on US soil this year of ISIS linked or influenced individuals.

Despite the elevated threat, The Obama administration last week blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to assist Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq.

High level officials from Gulf and other states have charged that Obama will not listen to pleas to arm Kurds, which is ironic given that so called “moderate rebels” were openly armed in Libya and Syria, leading directly to the rise of ISIS and it’s stockpiles of weaponry.

But wait… what about how frightening and offensive THIS is:



Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

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