Stench of hypocrisy runs rampant

Paul Joseph Watson
April 21, 2014

As a federal appeals court rules that the Obama administration must divulge its legal basis for launching drone strikes against American citizens, many statists opposed to Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy’s stand against the government are calling for him and his supporters to be the victims of what would be America’s first domestic drone attack.

Of course, it’s virtually inconceivable that the White House would launch a Predator drone strike against U.S. citizens, Harry Reid’s “domestic terrorist” slur not withstanding, but the mere fact that self-proclaimed liberals are openly calling for Bundy supporters to be massacred provides us with yet another chilling insight into the warped minds of statists.

The most egregious offense committed by Bundy supporters in the eyes of such people is the fact that a minority of Bunkerville protesters were carrying guns during last weekend’s standoff with heavily armed Bureau of Land Management agents.

This again underscores the rampant hypocrisy of leftists who grandstand as gun control advocates yet fully support the state having a monopoly on firearms. Hundreds of armed BLM agents seizing Bundy’s property while aiming sniper rifles at his family members and tasing them for exercising free speech is not only tolerated by liberals but enthusiastically supported. Indeed, it seems that many were disappointed that BLM agents didn’t follow through on the slaughter they promised during the standoff at Bunkerville.

Virtually every point of resentment directed against Bundy by leftists is borne out of repugnant duplicity and double standards, most notably the charge that Bundy is both engaging in lawlessness and is a “freeloader” for not paying grazing fees, a criticism liberals are perfectly willing to dispense with when it comes to the 12 million illegal immigrants living in the United States.

When a group of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators were brutally pepper sprayed during the infamous incident at UC Davis in 2011 (prompted by students flouting a law they saw as unjust), liberals were rightly outraged and their fury was shared by libertarians who have been speaking out against America’s burgeoning police state for years.

However, now that the shoe is on the other foot, liberals have chosen to either ignore the federal government’s targeting of the Bundy family and their supporters, or in some cases have adopted the role of cheerleaders in unashamedly urging actual bloodshed.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

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