An angry anti-Trumper harassed and physically assaulted Trump supporters during a pro-Trump demonstration in California.

Video footage shows an angry black man pull up in a car and get out to curse at several Trump supporters demonstrating on a curb, going as far as knocking the hat off one and spitting on a woman while shouting “Fuck Donald Trump!”

“Fuck Donald Trump, nigga! Fuck Donald Trump! Fuck you and Donald Trump!” he yelled inches from their faces. “Because you don’t like my skin, nigga! That’s why!”

A pro-Trump woman yelled back through a megaphone, “Donald Trump is your president whether you like that shit or not, if you don’t like the president then you can get the fuck outta my country then!”

The man then approached her, saying “Fuck you and that nigga!” before spitting on her.

Other anti-Trumpers arrived, trying to fight the Trump supporters and steal one of their American flags.

Police soon arrived and arrested the irate man after being presented video evidence of his assaults against supporters.

As we’ve reported, violence against Trump supporters is frequent, consistent, and well-documented despite mainstream media efforts to downplay or ignore these reports.

Alex Jones and the crew were recently at a Mexican restaurant in Austin when cameras caught him in the midst of participating in what AOC says colonial racism.

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