White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Nancy Pelosi embodies the bitterness of the Democrat Party and needs to smile more in an interview with CNN.

“That room last night was grossly divided. I’ve never seen Nancy Pelosi’s face like that.” Chris Cuomo admitted, referring to Tuesday’s State of the Union speech.

“I’m going to be a little bit in disagreement with you. I think Nancy Pelosi looks like that all the time. I think she should smile a lot more often and our country would be better for it,” Sanders retorted.

Sanders added, “She seems to kind of embody the bitterness that belongs in the Democrat Party right now. Hopefully, they can let go of some of that and they need to decide, Chris, whether they love America more than they hate this president.”

Cuomo insisted that there is “a fundamental disagreement” on where the hate lies. “Nancy Pelosi has argued on this set that it is righteous indignation that you see coming from her.”

Calling for an end to infighting between the two parties, Sanders stressed, “It’s time for both Republicans and Democrats to come together and put some common sense solutions forward.”

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