Kurt Nimmo
November 14, 2011

In the video below, Murray Sabrin, a professor of finance in the Anisfield School of Business at Ramapo College in New Jersey, says the establishment media is ignoring Ron Paul because of he is a critic of the Federal Reserve.

For months now we have been told that the reason Paul is routinely sidelined by the media is because he can’t win the nomination and he is too far out of the “political mainstream” to be a serious contender. Despite this explanation, Paul continues to win straw polls and raise millions for his campaign. He consistently places in the top three, although the corporate media refuses to acknowledge this.

Even the so-called “conservative” media relegate Ron Paul to failure and would like to see him fade into the political wilderness.

For instance, the Washington Times today argues that the best Paul can do is steer his dedicated supporters into the Republican Borg hive. Libertarian Paul supporters, the newspaper argues, should concentrate on sending constitutionalists to the House and Senate and stop believing they can win the presidency.

Ron Paul is the only one who has “blown the whistle” on the Federal Reserve’s cheap money scam that is destroying the country, Sabrin notes. Because he challenges the Federal Reserve system, the media – including the “anti-establishment” (that is to say Republicans opposed to the Democrat duopoly) – continue to insist Ron Paul is irrelevant and cannot win.

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