Kurt Nimmo
October 8, 2011

Ron Paul has won another straw poll, indicating he is the choice for many if not most voting Republicans.

Demonstrating that the influence of establishment Republicans remains strong in the party, Herman Cain came in a distant second.

Cain recently made the news when he said unemployment is basically the fault of the individual and not transnational corporations that have sent most of the decent jobs to slave labor gulags in China and Asia.

Cain is the former boss of the Kansas City Federal Reserve.

Here is the poll breakdown:

Ron Paul – 36.9% (732)
Herman Cain – 22.5% (447)
Rick Santorum – 16.3% (323)
Rick Perry – 8.4% (167)
Michele Bachmann – 7.9% (157)
Mitt Romney – 4.4% (88)
Newt Gingrich – 2.7% (54)
Undecided – 0.7% (13)
Jon Huntsman – 0.1% (2)

Note that the current darling of the global elite, Mitt Romney, comes in at a dismal 4.4%. Even the wash-out and faux Tea Party cowboy Rick Perry does better than Mitt.

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