The State Column
January 15, 2012

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Congressman Ron Paul’s (R-TX) son, promoted his father’s “South Carolina” money bomb in an email to campaign supporters Saturday. Mr. Paul’s “South Carolina” money bomb is the latest in a series of successful money bombs that have allowed the Texas congressman to make major ad buys in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. As of 8am EST, the Paul campaign has raised more than $1 million.

Senator Paul has supported his father’s quest for the Republican presidential nomination by hitting the campaign trail alongside the elder Paul and by authoring various emails to the Texas congressman’s supporters. While the other Republican candidates have utilized members of their family for campaign events and messages, Congressman Paul is the only Republican candidate to be joined by a federal lawmaker, who is also a member of his family, on the campaign trail.

In the days leading up to the Iowa Caucuses, Senator Paul campaigned for his father in the Hawkeye State by asking voters to throw their support behind the former Air Force surgeon. “You’ve got conservative Republican, so-called Republican candidates for president traipsing around Iowa who have voted for foreign aid,” Senator Paul said during one of several appearances for Congressman Paul in Iowa.

“After incredible finishes in New Hampshire and Iowa, the Palmetto State could be the place where my dad’s campaign issues a knock-out blow to several establishment candidates,” Senator Paul wrote. “Ron Paul’s establishment opponents know this could be their final stand. I expect their mudslinging to reach record heights,” Senator Paul added.

Congressman Paul has not set a fundraising goal for the “South Carolina” money bomb, but his “Tea Party” money bomb raised more than $6 million.

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