Ron Paul
May 28, 2010

Ron Paul and his son following Rand’s Kentucky primary win.

Dear Friend,

It sure didn’t take long for the entire establishment to attack my son Rand in the days after he won the Kentucky Senate primary.

As I left Kentucky last week, I was both happy for Rand and anxious for what I knew would be coming at him soon. But it came sooner than even I feared.

A mainstream media network has gone into all-out warfare against Rand, beginning with a full 24 hours of repeating outright lies by Rand’s Democrat opponent.

It’s funny. Rand’s opponent’s ideas are anti-freedom. They’re pro Big Government. They’re pro-welfare state, and will stand lock-step with the Obama agenda. And if they are the issue, he can’t beat Rand in Kentucky. So he’s trying to make sure this race is on a different playing field.

Rand needs to fight back. Some of it will be now, some will be in the coming months. But he needs your help to do it.

I know it seems like he won his primary by a lot, and it certainly was a great achievement. But having done this many times before, I urged him to take nothing for granted, and to run like he was 10 points behind. He did just that, and it was an amazing victory to watch! I was very proud of him and his team.

And thanks to you, he had the funds to do everything he needed to do. But he wisely used those funds in the primary, and has only a small amount left in his campaign treasury as we begin the general election.

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And now he’s under all-out attack.

I hope you’ll help him out the way you did in the primary. We can’t count on others to help. Sure, he’ll have a few more friends now. But we need that to be in ADDITION to what our movement can give him. We can’t rest now, this is one of the biggest opportunities for a liberty minded candidate in a long time.

Please consider helping Rand today, and as often as you can throughout the general election. He’s going to need to raise three of four times what he raised in the primary to compete with the national special interests that will pour money into Kentucky to stop him.

These early attacks prove one thing for sure: The establishment and the powers that be in Washington are scared to death of a Senator Rand Paul. And they should be.

Now let’s start helping him get there to shake up the Senate!

Please donate today at

In Liberty,
Ron Paul

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