Trump insider and Infowars contributor Roger Stone has created a lobbying group called The United States Cannabis Coalition (USCC) that hopes to convince President Trump to legalize marijuana nationwide.

The group’s goal as a non-profit is to “lobby the Trump administration from the top on down and mobilize millions of pro-cannabis voters to tell the President to keep his word.”

Facing an uphill battle with anti-marijuana Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who famously pronounced, “Good people don’t smoke marijuana,” Stone said Sessions needs to “Cut the shit.” Stone has previously discussed his concern with Sessions’ stance on marijuana, but says he supports him overall.

Justin Strekal, the political director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), said, “We’re happy to have another voice join the chorus. It’s my understanding that Mr. Stone has some sort of relationship with the president, and how he’ll be able to translate that into any meaningful change, I’m interested to see how that develops.”

Stone is in a good position to make real change considering his experience in lobbying, political consulting and his personal relationship with Donald Trump. He also has his own strain of pot named “Tricky Dick” after Richard Nixon.

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