Rioters in Boston defaced the Shaw 54th Regiment Memorial to black soldiers in the Civil War as a “Black Lives Matter” protest moved through the city on Sunday.

The Boston Globe reported: “Memorials in three of the city’s major parks were hit with graffiti and vandalism Sunday night after tensions mounted between demonstrators and police following a day of mostly peaceful protest marches that wound through Boston.”

One of those memorials, the Globe noted, was the monument to the 54th: “One of the memorials targeted by vandals was the Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Regiment Memorial, which was unveiled 137 years ago Sunday and depicts a pioneering group of Black soldiers marching into battle during the Civil War.”

A website dedicated to the memorial, which stands at the top of a hill on the Boston Common, explains:

The most acclaimed piece of sculpture on Boston Common is the Robert Gould Shaw and Massachusetts 54th Regiment Memorial by Augustus Saint-Gaudens; a memorial to that group of men who were among the first African Americans to fight in the Civil War. The monument portrays Shaw and his men marching down Beacon Street past the State House on May 28, 1863 as they left Boston on their way to South Carolina, Shaw erect on his horse, the men marching alongside.

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Antifa defaces WW2 monument to those who defeated fascist Nazis because “fascist”, and defaces monuments to Lincoln & Black Civil War soldiers because “racist”. And as America burns the FBI virtue signals about Gay Pride Month but is clueless about who is pre-positioning bricks at riot sites.

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