Neo-con never Trumper Rick Wilson was humiliated after he attempted to politicize a thank you tweet sent by Dominos Pizza to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, apparently not realizing that the tweet was 8-years-old.

Wilson, who is billed as a “Republican strategist” yet constantly amplifies left-wing rhetoric, was responding to an exchange between McEnany and Dominos in which McEnany tweeted, “FUN FACT: @dominos is wayyyy better than any NYC pizza.”

Dominos responded, “That’s one heck of a compliment! Thanks for the love! #WEAPPRECIATEIT!”

This prompted Wilson to wade in and attempt to politicize the interaction by tweeting at Dominos, “You just killed your brand!”

He didn’t appear to realize that the original exchange between McEnany and Dominos took place in 2012, long before Trump was even president.

Dominos compounded the humiliation by responding to Wilson, “Welp. It’s unfortunate that thanking a customer for a compliment back in 2012 would be viewed as political. Guess that’s 2020 for ya.”

Even if the exchange had taken place in 2020, Wilson’s attempt to politicize it would still have been cringe, but the fact that it happened 8 years ago only emphasizes what a hyper-partisan hack he is.

“This isn’t the first major gaffe Wilson committed in his ongoing Twitter war with the president,” reports NewsBusters.

“Wilson made a sorry attempt to play gotcha over the coronavirus-induced market dip March 9, by sharing a tweet the same day that appeared to be from Trump in 2015. The tweet he shared called for the punishment of a sitting president if the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell “more than 1000 ‘points’ in a Single Day” (the tweet called it the “Dow Joans”). Wilson commented: “I agree, Mr. President.” The problem? Wilson agreed with a fact-checked “fake” tweet.”


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