Kurt Nimmo
June 21, 2011

COMMENT FROM ALEX JONES: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the headline is satirical. Though Rick Perry is feigning reluctance to announce his candidacy, we have known for a long time and announced for more than a year that he will be running for higher office. Our inside sources have made clear that Perry’s supposed pledge not to run is nothing more than a calculated fraud. Rather than reconsidering, he’s always intended to run when the time is right. His own actions make this clear anyway. As the video clearly demonstrates, that’s why we’ve decided to announce for him, so that when he does announce, a reminder of his deceit will rank at the top of Google searches, etc. What else can you expect from Al Gore’s former campaign manager but carefully-crafted lies?

Over the past few weeks, the corporate media has buzzed with word that Texas governor Rick Perry will run for president. Although Perry has yet to officially declare his bid, Infowars.com can unequivocally state that he will indeed announce his candidacy.

A Perry run was the plan all along, Perry insiders told Alex Jones. As the so-called dean of Texas writers, Paul Burka, explained in his Texas Monthly article written in February of 2010, during the race for governor Perry had his eye on the White House. “Perry’s inner circle, particularly his consultant Dave Carney, has believed that he has had national potential at least since 2006,” writes Burka.

Perry has held his cards close to the vest in order to create the aura of the reluctant Texan of principle called to serve his country by Republicans and the establishment conservatives, many now professing to be outsiders opposed to politics as usual in Washington.

“You can expect the revived talk of a Rick Perry for president campaign to shift into hyperdrive now that Rush Limbaugh is declaring the Texas governor the best hope Republicans have to bring life to a lackluster presidential field,” the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported on May 18.

Using the bully pulpit of his popular radio show, Limbaugh said the “staunchly anti-Washington Perry has the mix of message and personality and appearance to drive Democrats ‘nuts’ and dispel America of the notion that President Barack Obama is unbeatable in wake of the death of Osama bin Laden.”

Limbaugh and the Republicans, however, do not mention the fact that Perry is a one-time Democrat and the former campaign manager for none other than Al Gore, who is supposedly the polar opposite of the Republicans, at least according to the false right versus left paradigm that drives establishment politics.

Perry, of course, is nothing if not an establishment globalist, as his unswerving support for a NAFTA Superhighway demonstrates. His coy reluctance to serve is merely a cheesy campaign trick designed to provide him the aura of the Texas outsider who loathes business as usual inside the district of criminals.

The establishment is attempting to sell Perry the same way they sold Obama the Man of Change.

Rick Perry is the consummate establishment politician. For a complete run-down on Perry, see 14 Reasons Why Rick Perry Would Be A Really, Really Bad President.

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