Moscow responds to USS Truxtun being sent to Black Sea

Paul Joseph Watson
March 10, 2014

Moscow has responded to the United States sending the guided-missile destroyer USS Truxtun into the Black Sea by deploying a Bastion anti-ship missile system in Sevastopol, according to reports.

Image: Bastion missile complex movement on the streets Crimea.

“Unconfirmed news reports claim the Russian Navy is deploying land-based ‘Bastion’ anti-ship missile systems as a response to the recent U.S. move entering two naval vessels to the Black Sea,” reports Defense Update.

An image accompanying the article purports to show a truck carrying some of the equipment, which eyewitnesses said was installed in Sevastopol on Saturday night.

“The system is designed for the destruction of various surface ships from an enemy’s landing squadrons, convoys, carrier strike groups, as well as single vessels and land-based radiocontrast targets in conditions of intensive fire and electronic countermeasures. The system uses the P-800 Yakhont (SS-N-26) anti-ship cruise missile and has a maximum range of 300 km,” states a separate report on a Vietnamese military website.

On Thursday, the US Navy announced that the USS Truxtun was headed for the Black Sea in order to conduct military exercises with Bulgarian and Romanian naval forces.

The Montreux Convention mandates that ships belonging to countries which do not border the Black Sea can only stay in the region for a maximum period of 21 days.

The move follows Russia’s decision to fortify its presence in the Black Sea, with two warships returning to the Black Sea fleet in Crimea last week. Ukraine responded by sending one of its own vessels into the region on the same day.

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

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