May 17, 2013

Appearing before the House Weighs and Means Committee today, exiting IRS chief Steven Miller couldn’t do much more than just squirm in his chair as Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa vented the frustrations felt by millions of Americans.

Miller was immediately intimidated by Kelly’s tone and after a few “erms” and “uh-uh-uhs” Kelly let ‘er rip:

“If you think it’s uncomfortable sitting over there you ought to be a private individual when the IRS is across from you asking you questions!”

Here’s a few of Kelly’s best punches:

“I have a grandson who’s afraid to get out of bed at night because he thinks there’s someone under the bed that’s going to grab him. And I think most Americans feel that way about the IRS.”

“It’s always these are low-level people that pushed the wrong button.”

“Yes or no, does it come back to DC?” (Yes – one of Miller’s few coherent responses.)

“So DC and Cincinnati are pretty well connected?”

“This kind of reconfirms that, you know what, they [the IRS] can do almost anything they want to anybody they want, anytime they want. This is very chilling for the American people.”

“This is a Pandora’s Box that has been opened and I don’t think we can get the lid back on it.”

“I don’t believe that the White House just found out about this in a news report, the president happened to grab a TV shot or just read Mr. George’s report and said, ‘You know.. what… anybody heard about this before?’”

“I got to tell you, where you’re sitting, you should be outraged — and you’re not. The American people should be outraged, and they are.”

“This reconfirms everything the American public believes! This is a huge blow to the faith and trust the American people have in their government!”

“Is there any limit to the scope of where you folks can go?”

“It’s sure as hell intimidating. And I don’t’ know that I got any answers from you today.”

“There’s a heck of a lot more that has to come out in this.”

“I am more concerned today than I was before. The fact that you all can do just about anything you want to anybody. You know, you can put anybody out of business that you want anytime you want.”

“You talk about how you’re a horribly run organization? You’re on the other side of the fence.”

“And when the IRS comes in, you’re not allowed to be shoddy, you’re not allowed to be run horribly, you’re not allowed to make mistakes, you’re not allowed to do one damn thing that doesn’t come in compliance. If you do, you’re held responsible right then.”

“This is absolutely an overreach and this is an outrage for all America!”

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