Leftists on Reddit suddenly dropped all concerns about police brutality to celebrate a video of a woman in Australia being put in a chokehold by a cop because she wasn’t wearing a face mask outside.

We reported on the shocking video yesterday, which shows a police officer in Melbourne grab the woman by the throat, wrestle her to the ground and sit on her while maintaining the chokehold, all for the ‘crime’ of violating lockdown law.

The footage is bad enough and follows other incidents where police in the region have enforced the state of Victoria’s draconian new curfew and lockdown law with physical force.

However, many of the same leftists who have been decrying police brutality for the past two months plus, in some cases protesting and rioting against it, apparently think police brutality is just fine when enforcing COVID-19 lockdowns.

A post on the subreddit called ‘Justice Served’ currently has over 35,000 upvotes and is entitled “This is how the Australian police will deal with you if you treat public health and safety directives as a threat to your masculinity or nutjob conspiracy.”

Respondents to the video reacted with glee to video of the woman being choked to the ground.

“Every anti-masker deserves this. Stand Your Ground rules should apply to interactions with them as they are threat to others,” responded one.

“Wish my country would enforce masks like this. Maybe then we would not lead the world in covind deaths,” added another.

“Ughhh. We need some of that energy here in the states,” said another.

Numerous other respondents defended the male police officer and claimed that he didn’t have the woman in a chokehold.

“People on here are saying the cop isn’t choking her if she is able to say she’s being choked is pretty much the same as when people defended the George Floyd cops because they claimed, if he can say he can’t breathe then he can breathe,” remarked one poster.

One wonders if their reaction would have been the same if the person on the receiving end of the chokehold had been an African-American career criminal who was high on Fentanyl and had just committed fraud.

I very much doubt it.


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