Presidential contender Rand Paul continued his war of words with Donald Trump Sunday, stating in an interview that “His message is empty anger.”

“It’s an anger without substance.” the Kentucky Senator told NBC anchor Chris Jansing during the ‘Meet The Press’ interview from Haiti, where Paul is performing free eye surgeries.

“The biggest anger I feel … was anger at Republicans who promised to make government smaller and then it didn’t become smaller, it actually became bigger.” Paul noted, taking a dig at Trump’s policy statements.

“We have to decide whether we want sort of empty platitudes, or whether we’re going to look at substance,” he said.

“Conservatives have to decide if he’s a fake conservative or not,” Paul further urged. “And I think truly he is a fake conservative, because he’s been on every side of the issue in the last five years.”

Paul reiterated points he made during the GOP debate two weeks ago, and in interviews since, regarding Trump’s endless flip flopping and liberal leanings.

“The Tea Party movement that I rose out of, this conservative sort of rebellion, we were unhappy with Republicans who voted for bigger government,” said Paul.

“So I think they’ll be unhappy again if they get someone like Trump because he was for ObamaCare,” he said. “He still kind of likes single-payer. I think we could be well on the way to single-payer if we elect Donald Trump.”

Paul, who was cleared this weekend to run for both President and reelection to the Senate, also warned about the ‘cult of personality’ when it comes to Trump.

“For two months, the Trump mania has been soaking up votes from a lot of candidates,” Paul said. “And I guess my fear for the country is, is that there are large countries that do succumb to celebrity.”

“I worry about the country because I don’t believe there’s any sincerity to what the message is,” he added of Trump. “There’s a sort of frenzy going on and it’s been a self-reinforcing cycle for two months now.”

“I worry about the country because I don’t believe that there’s any sincerity to what [Trump’s] message is.” Paul declared.

“And even when the message is sincere, it’s so garbled that now, here we have this great opponent of immigration [in Donald Trump] who’s going to ship everybody home, but then he says things like ‘oh yeah, but then I’m going to let them all back in,'” said Paul.

“I’ve put forward a flat tax, I’ve put forward a plan to balance the budget in five years, and I’ve been part of an intellectual movement that’s been around really since World War II, that has been fighting against large government that is all consuming and all involved in our lives.” Paul added, citing his credentials over Trump’s rhetoric.


Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

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