As his presidential campaign continues to be consistently written off by the corporate media, Rand Paul is refusing to back down, insisting Monday that he won both recent debates and that he is the only true fiscal conservative in the race.

Visiting new campaign headquarters in Las Vegas, Paul spoke to a crowd about his intention to scale back government spending.

“We borrow $1 million a minute,” the Senator said, adding “You know whose fault that is? Both sides.”

Paul slammed the policy of adding to national debt, noting that a trillion dollar bills would stack 63 miles high.

Paul hit out at his GOP rivals, calling them hypocrites for claiming they are fiscal conservatives while not advocating a cut in military spending.

“You cannot be a conservative if you’re liberal with military spending,” Paul noted.

The Senator explained that under his presidency there would be a defense budget that would see increases to the military in return for cutting domestic spending.

Paul charged that both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have proposed spending increases without making cuts in other areas.

“I want a government that leaves me alone,” Paul also urged. “I want a government so small I forget it’s even there.” he told the crowd of supporters.

Paul repeated the sentiments in an appearance on Fox News, noting “You can’t be a strong country from bankruptcy court. This is what I tell people all the time. This is what separates me from most of the Republican field.”

“I don’t think you can be a fiscal conservative if you’re liberal with military spending,” Paul added. “I think you have to be conservative on all spending, domestic welfare or military. What we have in Washington is the opposite compromise.”

“You have people on the right who say you need more military spending. People on the left want more welfare spending. And you know what? We get more of both.” the Kentucky Senator concluded.

When asked by a reporter if he was going to drop out of the presidential race, Paul responded with a tongue in cheek jibe.

“I’m for the other nine quitting and just coronating me at this point,” he said. “Is there any reason why we should go on? I’ve won the first two debates easily, do I really need to go on?”


Steve Watson is a London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham, and a Bachelor Of Arts Degree in Literature and Creative Writing from Nottingham Trent University.

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