Steve Watson
June 13, 2011

Following the annual Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz Switzerland this weekend, a prominent attendee to the elitist gathering has been entered into the race to become the IMF head at the eleventh hour.

Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer, an insider favourite of Bilderberg and multiple time attendee, announced his intention to bid to become the replacement managing director of the IMF, taking the position previously held by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, himself a former Bilderberg attendee.

Fischer, a dual US/Israeli citizen, entered into the race on Saturday, the day after the official close of nominations on Friday. However, due to an investigation into a major cyber attack on the IMF, the process was delayed and Fischer’s entry was accepted.

Prominent Bilderberg Insider Injected Into IMF Race At Last Minute 130611fischer

Fischer, pictured above (center) with perennial Bilderberg attendee and former World Bank head James Wofensohn, was World Bank chief economist from 1988 to 1990, and the IMF’s No. 2 official for seven years, including during the Asia financial crisis of 1997 and 1998. Fischer is also a former Vice-Chairman of Citigroup.

Fischer is also a member of The Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission.

As we reported last week, the Swiss media devoted front page headlines to the fact that the position of IMF head was high on the agenda of the Bilderberg meeting, with some reports suggesting that the successful candidate would be chosen outright by the Bilderberg group.

A three way race is now in place between Fischer, Mexican central banker Agustín Carstens and French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde.

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Lagarde is thought to still be the clear favourite, however, there is a doubt over her candidacy owing to a pending investigation in France into her alleged abuse of authority, in a multi-million-euro business dispute.

Carstens, who has been backed by a dozen Latin countries for the job, is also a top-level insider. He is a Mexican economist who has held high-level positions at the Banco de México, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and Bank of International Settlements.

All three candidates fit the mold for the globalist position, they have all espoused orthodox neoliberal economic philosophies, ensuring the status quo will be maintained no matter who takes the role.

Given that fact that the Director General of the World Trade Organization, the President of the European Central Bank, and the President of The World Bank were all in attendance at this year’s Bilderberg confab, along with representatives from every major bank in the world and the heads of finance from several major countries, there can be no doubt that the IMF position would have been a key discussion topic.

Bilderberg has previously proven its kingmaker power, with several heads of state having attended meetings before they rose to power, when they were relatively unheard of politicians.

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Most recently, the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, was selected for the role just days after he attended an exclusive Bilderberg Group dinner meeting. The decision was seen as a baffling one at the time by those who did not make the connection, owing to the fact that Van Rompuy had a virtually non existent international profile.

Related: Bilderberg 2011: Master Page

Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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