Establishment attempts to ostracize Independents from voting for Paul

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, January 9, 2012

The level of smear attacks against Ron Paul are getting so transparently agenda-driven that the press is now blaming Paul for spectacles they directly create, such as today’s media swarm in a New Hampshire eatery that forced Paul to abandon a planned meet and greet with voters.

Planning to talk to supporters at Moe Joe’s restaurant this morning, the event turned into a “media scrum” with Paul barely being able to move as he was chased around the restaurant by swarms of photographers.

“Ron Paul: We have you surrounded. We are the media,” a strange man dressed as a wizard with an upside down black boot on his head blurted out through a megaphone.

“Paul decided to grant only one interview at the event, to Fox News’s Brett Baeir. Halfway inside his SUV, Paul took questions for about five minutes from the cable news anchor while reporters strained to hear his answers, then shut the door,” reports the Hill.

The Hill’s Josh Lederman managed to find someone upset at the incident and twist the whole spectacle so as to blame Ron Paul himself, quoting a woman whose 90-year-old mother had wanted to meet Paul.

“She really wanted to meet him. She was really waiting to meet him,” said her daughter. “I think he lost some votes.”

“If I met him, looked him in the eye and liked him he would have gotten my vote tomorrow and instead I’m turned off,” Heller told CNN.

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Heller, who voted for Obama in 2008, is now being quoted by innumerable mainstream news outlets in a bid to ostracize Independent voters from supporting Ron Paul.

The Guardian posted a You Tube interview with her, in which Heller is reluctant to admit that one of Ron Paul’s staffers actually promised her a private meeting, a fact that contradicts the attempt to portray Paul’s campaign as aloof and ignorant towards voters.

Respondents to The Hill story were vehement in their criticism of the media for creating the controversy out of nothing and then portraying Paul as the culprit.

“How did he lose votes because of this? The media swarmed him in a highly disrespectful manor and he takes the blame?” asked one.

“Why attempt to blame Doctor Paul for a media swarm? That makes no sense to me,” commented another.

It’s just the latest in a series of bizarre smears against Paul, another of which is the media’s attempt to float the hoax that Paul’s health is on the wane despite the fact that he is known for being addicted to physical health and a regular bike-rider.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infiowars Nightly News.

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