Self-proclaimed future House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is laying out her priorities for after Democrats’ assumed victory in the midterms, and she’s made it clear there’s “nothing” that will persuade her to approve President Trump’s promised border wall.

Erecting a big beautiful wall along the nation’s southern border to stop the steady flood of illegal immigrants and drugs is “immoral, expensive, ineffective, not something that people do between countries,” Pelosi said in response to a question at Harvard’s Institute of Politics on Tuesday, according to The Harvard Gazette.

“In any event it happens to be like a manhood issue for the president,” she said, “and it’s wrong and I’m not interested in that.”

A wall to protect the nation from illegal and dangerous intruders – “immoral,” not interested. But wall to protect Pelosi’s posh multi-million dollar San Francisco home, that’s totally different. The Trump-supporting duo Diamond and Silk exposed Pelosi’s hypocritical position on immigration in the hilarious and timely documentary “Dummycrats,” which premiered in Washington, D.C. this week.

In the movie, presented by The American Mirror, the sisters from North Carolina explain how Democrats often say one thing, they do whatever they want. The flick features Pelosi, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama denouncing a border wall, while highlighting the fences, guard shacks and brick barriers that separate the unwashed masses from their mega-mansions and posh properties.

Diamond and Silk also take to the streets of Pelosi’s San Francisco district to document the impact of her brand of progressive politics: illegal plastic straws but free plastic drug needles, resources for illegal immigrants amid an epidemic of homeless citizens, and streets littered with garbage, used needles and human feces.

The girls “talk about what’s happening right now in these communities,” Diamond told The Epoch Times. “People living in tents, people defecating on the streets. That’s a problem that’s got to be solved.”

Diamond and Silk’s message is simple: “We are holding Congress accountable. Long gone are the days when you can walk in poor come out rich.

“If you’re not doing right by the American people we’re going to have to vote you out,” they said. “So I guess you can say we’re taking back our country.”

“Dummycrats” also features Kyle Olson, the movie’s executive producer and founder of The American Mirror, who interviewed a border agent along a stretch of desert bordering Mexico that remains unprotected, save for two small pieces of barbed wire held up with sticks. Other areas are wide open, with nothing to keep out the bad hombres.

“In the movie, I show how easy it is to cross over one of the barriers. I mean it takes 10 seconds,” Olson told The Epoch Times. “If someone is really determined to get over the border they’re going to do it.”

Olson pointed to a massive steel wall currently under construction as an obvious improvement over the current situation, though the fate of the project lies largely with the outcome of the 2018 midterms.

According to Breitbart, “Pelosi said that she does not expect anyone in her caucus to vote for border wall funding in the lame-duck congressional session after the midterm elections November 6.”

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