Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Paul Slams Neo Con Graham For Angry White Guys Jibe 151009top

Neo-con Lindsey Graham resorted to race-pimping the other night when he attacked Congressman Ron Paul for representing “angry white men,” to which Paul responded on CNN by pointing out that Graham represents the exact opposite of true conservatism.

During a town hall meeting on Tuesday night, Graham was heckled by the audience and called a “traitor” for his decision to back Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and for his support for climate change legislation.

“The troubles all started Sunday, when Graham co-wrote an Op-Ed article with Massachusetts Democratic Sen. John Kerry in the New York Times called “Yes We Can (Pass Climate Change Legislation),” which talked about their campaign to corral bipartisan support for climate change legislation,” reports the L.A. Times.

During the meeting, protesters responded to Graham’s claim that he would grow the Republican party by shouting, “Ron Paul would grow it,” to which Graham retorted, “We’re not going to be the Ron Paul party.”

“We’re not going to be the party of angry white guys,” said Graham.

fall of the republic

During a subsequent CNN segment, Ron Paul responded to Graham by asking him why he has abandoned traditional conservative principles by supporting big government, renewing the Patriot Act, TARP funds, as well as Obama’s expansion of the war in Afghanistan.

“What does he have against the Constitution?” asked Paul.

“For him to say that everybody who is upset with the government and upset with his type of voting record are ‘angry white men’ – that is preposterous, that is a real insult,” said Paul, adding that the people who attended his rallies were from diverse backgrounds.

Paul slammed Graham for supporting Obama’s expansion of the war by “urging him on to do more and more,” when in fact “we have no right to be there and we need to bring our troops home,” according to the Congressman.

Watch the video below.

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