Days ago, Roseanne Barr tweeted what was taken as a racist statement/joke. She said Valerie Jarret was the offspring of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.
The reaction to Roseanne, from you, our moral betters in media, was swift. Roseanne was fired, her show was canceled, her co-stars threw her under every single bus on the line. Over a tweet. A lot of people on the right, myself included, didn’t defend Roseanne, but instead defended ABC’s right to can Roseanne’s show. ABC said Roseanne’s statement wasn’t in line with their companies values. Seemed fair to me.
The national media conversation then turned to ethics. Morals. Values. How racism is terrible. How we shouldn’t tolerate it even in a joke. Conservatives brought up examples of vulgar douchebags and douchebagettes from the recent past. Leftists said there was no excuse for Roseanne. In an effort to stay clear of the tumultuous whataboutism wave, I watched the chaos from the safe sandy shores. I made a sand castle with my excess craps I didn’t give to Roseanne.
Then Samantha Bee, on her television show on TBS, called Ivanka Trump a feckless cunt. In what I have to assume was a scripted, planned, approved rant. An idea which was tossed around the writers room more casually than Roseanne Barr pops Ambien all by her lonesome.
If the media cares so much about stamping out racism, if the media cares so much about morality, ethics, and doing what’s right, in what possible world is Roseanne Barr canned for tweeting a racist joke, but Samantha Bee is allowed to carry on calling a woman a feckless cunt? Which, last I checked, was a rather sexist, nasty thing to say. About anyone.
I’m not a whataboutism fangirl. But in a span of a day, maybe just over a day, we have Barr and Bee making derogatory statements and only one loses her career, while the other is given an award for “advancing change.” Sorry, but it’s hard for me to tell conservatives to take their whataboutism and shove it up their rectums. The double standard here is blinding.
Bee has apologized on Twitter.
I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it.
— Samantha Bee (@iamsambee) May 31, 2018
But no further action will be taken against her.
Roseanne also apologized on Twitter. She still lost everything.
@ValerieJarrett i don't know if u saw it, but I wanted2 apologize to u 4 hurting and upsetting u with an insensitive & tasteless tweet. I am truly sorry-my whole life has been about fighting racism. I made a terrible mistake wh caused hundreds of ppl 2 lose their jobs. so sorry!
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) May 30, 2018
It’s worse than that. Samantha Bee is crude, rude, and nasty for a living. She makes her dough through vile hatred toward people on the opposite side of her ideological aisle. Doing so without a modicum of humor. Samantha Bee has all the comedic wit of child overdosing on heroin. Which, hey, it’s a free country. If Samantha Bee wants to scream insults at a camera for coin, and she has an audience willing to watch it, more power to her.
But then Roseanne should be granted a full media pardon for tweeting how a politician resembles a character from a cult classic film.
Either we care about decency in our entertainment stars, or we don’t. Either it’s vile, crude, and beneath us as a society, or beneath network “morals” for a star to make bad jokes, or it isn’t.
Of course the obvious difference between Samantha Bee and Roseanne Barr is their current political positions. Roseanne, who’s still left of Elizabeth Warren on many issues, said she voted for Trump. Samantha Bee has an #ImWithHer tattoo tramp stamp. Or so I can only assume.
If you vote the right way, if you support the right people, if you’re a veritable mouthpiece for the DNC, seems you can spew nastiness with nary a thought, nary a repercussion, and are in fact, rewarded with promotions if not actual awards. But if you dare stray from the thought plantation, you’re called out at the soonest opportunity, warranted or not. As if there’s already a target on your back.
It’s one thing to call out the double standard. That’s easy. It’s what I’m doing right here. But we need to actually demand more. ABC made a call. Roseanne was canned. Samantha Bee’s rant was, by media’s standards, just as bad, if not worse, than Roseanne’s tweet. So it stands to reason Bee should be canned as well. Her sponsors pulled. Her career lit into a bonfire. From which all of media should roast mallows. As was done to Roseanne. And TBS should be the ones to light the match. If not, if TBS is going to give Samantha Bee a pass, and it looks like they have, then maybe they should bring the “Roseanne” show to their lineup.
Those are the rules, right?
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