Potential 2016 presidential candidate Rick Santorum was questioned on missing nuclear warheads at a national security summit in South Carolina this week reports media outlet Bloomberg.

According to the report, a woman in the crowd brought the issue up to Santorum in a fiery rant against President Obama and his national security policy.

“Obama tried to blow up a nuke in Charleston a few months ago, and the three admirals and generals — he’s totally destroyed our military, he’s fired all the generals and all the admirals who said they wouldn’t fire on the American people,” the woman said.

Santorum “pivoted quickly” to instead comment on President Obama’s executive amnesty.

In late 2013, Infowars was contacted by a high level source at the Dyess Air Force base in Texas and informed of an unauthorized nuclear warhead transfer to South Carolina.

“Dyess is beginning to move out nuclear war heads today. I got a tap from DERMO earlier. He said it was the first time they have been even acknowledged since being put there in the 80′s. No signature was required for transfer… There was no directive,” the source wrote.

The story became even more dire when it was discovered that Senator Lindsey Graham had publicly warned that same day that South Carolina would likely be hit with nuclear weapons if the United States failed to engage Syria militarily.

“The story was shared nearly 25,000 times on Facebook, aided by a video introduction by Alex Jones and by a follow-up that quoted South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham’s worry that a military build-up would lead to nuclear weapons moving through the port of Charleston,” Bloomberg author David Weigel writes.

During the same time period, President Obama was engaged in an unprecedented purge of high ranking military officials with ties to nuclear defense.

In fact, the country’s No. 2 nuclear commander was ordered to step down by President Obama, over a “loss of confidence,” on the exact day of Infowars’ original story.

The following month, the general in charge of all Air Force nuclear weapons was fired by President Obama for alleged “conduct” issues as well.

In an attempt to belittle the validity of Infowars’ report, Bloomberg went on to tie in claims from known satire websites that worked to discredit the original article. Infowars investigation strictly covered the initial transfer, which can only be ordered by the highest levels of government, and Senator Graham’s remarks.

Regardless, the incident highlights how major news stories broken by the alternative media continue to prompt debate, such as was seen with Infowars’ investigation into major ammunition purchases by the federal government.

A nearly identical event took place in 2007 when six nuclear missiles were secretly transferred from the Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, prompting widespread media coverage. Multiple military personnel connected to the scandal died under suspicious circumstances shortly after.

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