WNY Truthers
June 23, 2010

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t
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The video taken from security cameras shows the 45-year-old housing cop beating an Iraq war veteran with is baton.
It happened at an Upper West Side public housing development. The victim, 28-year-old Walter Harvin had just returned from Iraq and was at his mom’s apartment complex.

The video is high quality and crystal clear that Housing Officer David London led an unprovoke attack on the Iraqi war veteran. Even beating the ex-soldier after he’s cuffed.

The officer is charged with 2nd degree assault and filing false records. Prosecutors say London tried to cover-up the July 2007 assault by lying on official documents.Right now the Manhattan criminal jury is tackling the question on whether London committed an act of police brutality or used necessary force to subdue a suspect.

The Iraq veteran suffers from PTSD. If the officer is convicted, he faces 7 years in prison.

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