Kurt Nimmo
February 16, 2011

In the We Are Change video below, Marxist converted into card-carrying neocon David Horowitz reveals something not really surprising – he knows very little about September 11, 2001, or at least claims to know very little.

The events of September 11, 2001, define the pro-war, anti-Muslim agenda of the neocons, and yet Horowitz comes off as completely clueless. He is like a deer caught in the headlights. He is like a babe in the woods without his soap box at Fox News.

He feigns ignorance of the established fact that Mahmood Ahmed, then director of Pakistan’s ISI, ordered Saeed Sheikh to wire $100,000 to hijacker Mohamed Atta. On the morning of the attacks, Ahmed had a breakfast meeting in Washington, D.C., with House and Senate Intelligence Committee chairmen, Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham.

Horowitz is also clueless about the fact that six out of ten 9/11 commissioners doubt the official story and some suspect they were deceived by the Pentagon. The co-chairs of the Commission, Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton, said that the CIA and the Bush neocons “obstructed our investigation.”

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The co-chairs of the Commission admitted that their report was driven by political considerations. In other word, it was steered by neocons in the Bush administration for the sake of creating an excuse to invade small countries and wantonly slaughter Muslims.

David Horowitz is a member of the neocon intelligentsia. It is difficult to believe he has no knowledge of the event that literally defines the neocons and their illegal wars against Arabs and Muslims, so far resulting in over a million and half calculated murders.

Of course, we have to take into consideration that Horowitz’s main obsession is attacking people he was once associated with as a Marxist, so knowledge about the facts surrounding 9/11 come in at best as a distant second. He is also an enemy of libertarians and especially Ron Paul because Paul is opposed to the total warfare state and the neocon mass murder campaigns in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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Horowitz may be dismissed as just another ideologue on the CIA’s payroll. Horowitz’s operation has taken money from Richard Scaife, the “philanthropic” billionaire who worked with the CIA. Scaife’s Forum World Features, a foreign news service, was a CIA front that disseminated propaganda around the world.

In short, Horowitz indirectly works for the same people who pulled off the attacks of September 11, 2001.

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