Kurt Nimmo
January 13, 2012

Bush’s United Nations ambassador, John Bolton, wants Mitt Romney for president. He told Greta Van Susteren Romney is the “ideal conservative” best positioned to defeat Obama and put forward “American exceptionalism.”


Romney, of course, is not a “conservative,” but if elected he will take orders from the globalists and their neocon faction.

The former Massachusetts governor has consistently called for an aggressive stance against Iran. During the GOP debate in November, he said that if “crippling sanctions” and other strategies fail, military action would be on the table.

All of the GOP candidates, with the notable exception of Ron Paul, have called for attacking Iran if sanctions do not persuade the country to drop its nuclear energy program.

For Bolton and the neocons, the problem with Obama is that he has not attacked Iran or sent troops against al-Assad in Syria. Like Bill Clinton, Obama has ignored the advice offered by the neocons, who want to bomb Iran yesterday.

Romney’s foreign policy team is basically a Bush era regurgitation and includes former CIA director Michael Hayden, former DHS boss Michael Chertoff, and the staunch neocon Robert Kagan, who called for an escalation of the Iraq war long after other neocons such as Richard Perle skittered off with cold feet.

A number of Romney foreign policy advisers have called for attacking Iran, including Eliot Cohen, Hayden, Eric Edelman, Norm Coleman, and Ken Holmes.

Bolton understands that an attack on Iran under the pretense of taking out its nuclear program will undoubtedly lead to a wider conflict in the region. He has “dismissed the costs as worth the effort,” according to to the National Iranian American Council.

Prior to his decline as a possible GOP candidate, Newt Gingrich offered Bolton the position of Secretary of State in his administration.

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