May 13, 2013
Has the Bilderberg meeting become too mainstream for some of the world’s richest elite? From Warren Buffet and Monsanto-linked Bill Gates to Oprah and Jeb Bush, the local media has begun reporting on a closed doors meeting between billionaires and politicians at the gated beach island of Kiawah, South Carolina.
The Bilderberg group, which consists of a larger group of the world’s top leaders and billionaires, is reportedly set to take place near Watford this year in the United Kingdom. Called ‘The Masters of the Univserse’ by an Asia Times article, and deemed to be a meeting of 130 top military, business, and political figures by WikiLeaks, the Bilderberg group and its attendees have been getting much more press than usual these past years thanks to activists who have been protesting the meetings.
Even Russia Today went and covered the Bilderberg group protests and the meeting itself, reporting that the group could be deciding major events to come in their yearly meetings. From which candidates to run for the next political election, to military action — any number of major decisions are likely being made during the Bilderberg group meetings that are conducted entirely in secret. In fact, heavily armed security ensures that no one even gets close enough to take a peek.
But what’s going on with the latest confab between power and money over on Kiawah Island?
As of right now, it seems like this closed doors event is sort of a mini Bilderberg group meeting of sorts. One local CBS affiliate, one of the only news sources to be covering this since it’s a local issue, says that around 20 highly expensive jets were lined up at the Charleston International Airport on Johns Island, and that Bill Gates and others were at the Sanctuary Hotel on Kiawah Island. The attendee list, according to the CBS report, includes Jeb Bush, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Bill and Melinda Gates, Dan Gilbert (owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers), Warren Buffet, Oprah, and others.
The island is an ideal spot for anyone seeking to avoid the activists that follow the Bilderberg group due to the fact that the island itself is actually a beach slash golf course enclosed with gated security. The population of the island is only a bit above 1,000, and is primarily a private resort for the rich. According to the local CBS affiliate, security has been high throughout the week and the public is not allowed near the hotel.
As for what they’re doing here on this mini Bilderberg-styled escapade, the mayor offers a hilariously ridiculous statement to the CBS affiliate WBTW:
“We wish them luck with what they’re doing,” Mayor Charles Lipuma said. “If they want to play golf, they couldn’t have picked a better weekend. We are glad we could offer them great weather.”
The mayor is just so thrilled he could offer them up some great weather, who cares about what they’re actually doing. How sweet. CBS says that the meet concerns the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which apparently is hosting the Bilderberg-styled event that violates fundamental laws regarding the creation of policy behind closed doors.
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