British intelligence has long-standing relationship with Al-Qaeda killers

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Even as the establishment media continues to portray the rebel assault on Tripoli as some kind of organic uprising, it has now been admitted that British intelligence played a key role in directing the siege, and in doing so continued their long-standing relationship with Al-Qaeda terrorists.

“MI6 officers based in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi had honed battle plans drawn up by Libya’s Transitional National Council (TNC) which were agreed 10 weeks ago,” reports the London Telegraph.

“The constantly-updated tactical advice provided by British experts to the rebel leaders centred on the need to spark a fresh uprising within Tripoli that could be used as the cue for fighters to advance on the city.”

The MI6-orchestrated raid on Tripoli was preceded by bombing runs by RAF fighter jets over the weekend that targeted key Gaddafi communications facilities.

As Webster Tarpley reported, NATO then shipped in terrorists to lead the Mumbai massacre-style assault which led to over 1,000 deaths.

British Special Forces were on the ground in Libya before the UN “no fly zone” resolution was even announced earlier this year. SAS agents were directing rebels having landed at the end of February along with French and American Special Forces operatives. Westerners were later caught on camera fraternizing with rebels by an Al-Jazeera film crew.

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This would by no means by the first time British intelligence has worked directly with Al-Qaeda terrorists in a bid to topple Colonel Gaddafi.

In 2002 French intelligence experts revealed how MI6 paid a Libyan Al-Qaeda cell, the Islamic Fighting Group, $100,000 to to assassinate Gaddafi.

At around the same time, British intelligence also thwarted an Interpol arrest warrant for Osama Bin Laden that was issued by Gaddafi, in a bid to protect the Al-Qaeda group as it hatched the plot to kill the Libyan leader. The Islamic Fighting Group was led at the time by Anas al-Liby, one of Bin Laden’s trusted lieutenants.

The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) is one of the key Al-Qaeda factions now commanding rebel forces. As the Asian Tribune reports, the “Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) (is) likely to emerge to become the real power behind any administration in post-Gaddafi Libya.”

So having trained, funded and equipped Al-Qaeda terrorists, Britain and America, while simultaneously claiming to be fighting a multi-generational “war on terror,” are now providing a home for the same Al-Qaeda militants who killed U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

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